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I just don't get it!

发表于 2008-3-25 14:51:59 | 显示全部楼层
你的義憤填胸, 我心同感受。過往我亦曾多番向tree huggers(on another site)作同類忠告; 倒得橫眉冷眼,反唇相向!!!!!!!!
发表于 2008-3-25 15:33:58 | 显示全部楼层
blaming is a weakness in leadership. I will not trust my life with people like you outdoor.

Consider what happen now. everybody are feeling pain and depressing.  All you did is add more salt to the wound.

Being a hunter and fisherman. I never seen people more professional then these people. I can trust my life with them. Their leadership.

Look at their postings. you will see how many years of experiences they had. look at what they carried. you will see how professtional they are. Look what they did, they went back to find their missing partner after three days of traveling and called RCMP as soon as possible.

It is an accident! like driving a car. When somebody had an accident. Is that because they didn't respecting the car? Should they never drive a car again?

Now is the time to deal with what has happened. not pointing usless fingers. That is what we call responsibleness and leadership.

Learning from this accident is important, but first things first. Lets give more support to those who actually did something for the situation.



我相信大家希望在一個客觀冷靜的氣氛環境下討論,才能得至有正面的立論總結。 迄今我們所得的只是事件真相的一鱗半爪,就此批判,未免.....

发表于 2008-3-30 02:08:12 | 显示全部楼层
I want to apologize for those inappropriate words i used. Here, I want to say sorry. Please accept my apology.

bushguy, I want to apologize to you too. I read your note again. I understand your intention. You want everybody to be safe too. Maybe I over reacted.

Maybe I can visit your camp next time when i am in vancouver. I am willing to learn, if you are willing to teach.



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