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发表于 2008-11-27 14:33:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

It was only November, weeks of rain followed by snow had taken down every single danging leaf and covered everything with white powder. The Autumn had officially recessed. Last Sunday, was the only day with fair weather in the past and coming weeks.


Captain Mike and I met at Newmarket car pool parking lot at 7:25am. He was a bit late, but where were others? "No others, only two of us." he told me. I was a bit disappointed but would not poll back. We were on the way to Highlands Nordic cross country ski club.

麦克船长和我在400号和9号交界口的停车场碰了头,当时是早上7:25。他迟到了5分钟,但是其他人呢?"没其他人了,就我们俩"他告诉我说。这让我有点失望,但是也不能会头啊。我们上了去 Highlands Nordic 越野滑雪俱乐部的路途。

We arrived at 9:00am, as scheduled. It is located at the bottom of Blue Mountain. http://www.highlandsnordic.ca/. Since we did not call ahead for an instructor, we had to wait for availability of an instructor. And by 9:40am, we were on the trail with instructor Jim. He started with basics, banding knees, looking 20 feet ahead, put your weight at the front foot, etc. and we followed. The lesson was only 30 minutes, he told us everything that 30 minutes could do but the rest were on our own.

滑雪场位于蓝山脚下,我们到时是9:00整。http://www.highlandsnordic.ca/.  因为没有预约滑雪教练,我们得等教练。到9:40,我们终于同教练吉姆在滑雪道上了。他给我们介绍了基本要领,曲漆,看前方6-7米的地方,将重心放在前脚上,等等。我们按照他的指导练习。课程只有30分钟,吉姆告诉了我们所有传统滑雪的要领,剩下的就靠自己的悟性和练习了。

Jim described the trail before leaving. It was a  loop with a little ascending, then a little down hill, totally about 2.5 Kms.


At the first attempt on the trail, I fell more then 5 times. When I fell. I could manage myself stand up and keep going. And Goer-Tex pants kept my but dry. So fells did not do any harm to me. At the end of loop, I could manage walking with ski on; although I was not really skiing.


Except the ski trail which was about 3 meters wide, the snow on everywhere else was untouched at least one foot deep. Looking around, snow on branches of trees, on the ground formed different sculptures demonstrated beauty and pureness of the winter.


We made few more loops. My skill did not improve much but I swattered a lot for I had to walk with "four legs" - dragging ski on foot and pushing forward with posts in hands. Sweating was an important part of physical exercise. it could clean off one's body, mind and soul, at least I wish.


After 4 hours cross country skiing, we continued our adventure by hiking to Bruce Trail on Blue Mountain.


Drove to the end of 33 county road, there was a small parking lot. We parked there and followed snow mobile trail which lead us up to Blue Mountain. http://sites.google.com/site/cap ... ntainend-to-end34km


At the beginning, the trail was steep, especially when it was snow covered. Every step was difficult, body weight made heels sink deep into snow and pulled the muscles on tings very tight. Soon we got used to it and felt the slope was not that steep any more. We began to enjoy the scenery of the mountain.


It was less traveled trail then ski loop. We could only hear the sound of crashing snow under each foot steps. Occasionally, snow mobiles passed by, in groups. We make gesture to each other as greetings. Then the mountain become quiet again. Only the smell of exhaustion gas reminded us that civilisation was existed here.


I did not like the sound nor the exhaustion gas from snow mobiles on the trail. But think twice, if there were no snow mobiles making the trail, there could be no trail and we could not climb the mountain easily. Then we could not find the beauty here either. Civilization should find balance to the nature and other species for the civilization to last.


Wind passed top of trees and trees were swing slowly as if they enjoyed the crispy wind. They shacked off some snow from top branches. The snow brought down more snow on lower branches and then broke some small branches. It was a show of gravity at work, and a show of balance of the nature. The snow fell around us and one huddle of snow landed right on my back. Even the snow was soft, the gravity made it powerful and I could feel the force on my back - a little scared. Some snow went into my neck; the cool crispy feel running down my spine and made me warship of the power of nature.

风吹过树梢,树慢悠悠的摇曳着,仿佛很在意这冰冷的风。它们抖落了一些高枝上的积雪,雪团又带落了更多的积雪,并折断了一些小枝。这是引力的解说,平衡的演示。雪块落在我们周围,犹如在雪崩之中。有一团雪恰好打在我的背上。尽管雪松软的,我可以感觉到势能的力量, 我有点怕。有些雪,钻进了我的衣领,那冰冷的感觉顺这脊梁传遍全身,让我更觉得自然的强大。

We reached the flat top of Blue Mountain. What a breath taking scenery on the top of Blue Mountain.


Water appeared from no where; coming and going underneath snow; fast or slow on its own wish. Snow dooms were formed in middle of water where rocks should be seen in summer; and thin ice formed on shallow water. The sun was on the west now, made the snow tinted with shining golden coat.  

水流不知从何处来,只见从积雪下流出,又消失在积雪下面, 或快或慢完全在它。雪包在水的中央形成各种形状,柔化了下面的岩石。水浅的地方,已经有一层薄薄的冰。西边的斜阳给雪度上了一层发亮的金色。

On the way back to Toronto, sun set could be seen from reflection mirrors. It changed color and shape; and faded quickly as we drove far from Blue Mountain. But the memory should not fade for something deeply craved in my brain.
My only regression was that I did not bring a camera. But it gave me an excuse that I would revisit Blue Mountain again, in this winter winter.

发表于 2008-11-27 18:27:12 | 显示全部楼层
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