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对不起我也曾年青 - ZT (中国游客违反禁令 --->)

发表于 2013-9-26 16:41:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
中国游客违反禁令在美国私登24米拱石 跌成重伤

24日,一名中国游客在美国犹他州拱门国家公园(Arches National Park)游玩时,不慎从一块高24米的拱石上失足摔下,目前病情危重。

  据《盐湖城论坛报》(The Salt Lake Tribune)报道,这名中国游客现年27岁,从北京赴美旅游。24日晚7点左右,该名男性游客在爬上一块高80英尺(约合24.4米)的光滑岩后不慎跌下。

  拱门国家公园的发言人保罗•亨德森(Paul Henderson)称,最初发现伤者时,他躺在拱石下,不省人事,头部有伤口,不过很快就恢复了意识。然而,该男子随后告诉医疗人员称,他的双腿没有知觉了。

  该名中国游客随后被直升飞机送往科罗拉多州Grand Junction市的圣玛丽医院(St. Mary’s Hospital)。




Chinese tourist seriously hurt in Delicate Arch area fall

By Bob Mims

The Salt Lake Tribune

First Published Sep 25 2013 09:06 am • Last Updated Sep 25 2013 09:06 pm

A Chinese tourist was in serious condition Wednesday after tumbling from an overlook near southeastern Utah’s Delicate Arch.`

The 27-year-old man from Beijing reportedly fell about 80 feet from atop a trail on the slickrock formation across from the iconic, freestanding red sandstone formation near Moab about 7 p.m. Tuesday.

Arches National Park spokesman Paul Henderson said the victim initially was found below the arch unconscious and bleeding from the head, but soon regained consciousness. However, he then told paramedics that he could not feel his legs.

The man was taken by medical helicopter to St. Mary’s Hospital in Grand Junction, Colo.

The rock formation the victim was standing on is a popular site for photographers taking evening shots of the arch. The man apparently lost his footing and slipped over the edge.

Climbing the arch itself is expressly forbidden by the National Park Service.

Dave Davis, a 53-year-old hiker from San Antonio, Texas, told The Salt Lake Tribune he was standing near the victim as the sun set Tuesday night.

"[He] was with a woman, about his age, who seemed to be warning him to be careful as he stood to maneuver onto a lower ledge. He slipped on the rock, then slide onto his backside and tried to stop by using his feet and hands, crab-like," Davis said.

Initially, it seemed the man had succeed and stopping his fall, but he then slipped again and tumbled to the bottom of the bowl at the base of the arch.
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