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发表于 2006-3-14 11:08:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
这次只有我和小归在湖边雪地扎帐蓬,只有小归坚持下来了,我半夜狼狈出逃,离开时的温度是-25C 度,除了极少数极端情况,-25到-30度这已算我们在local mountain能体验到最低的气温了。




3。热水袋非常有用,穿的盖的再多,也只是绝缘,首先自己的身体要暖和。or use 1-litre bottle of hot water, with tea bag inside, wrapped in a fleece hat or sweater.

4。睡觉之前一定要先上厕所,here's why

- our body is working overtime, trying to keep useless water at body temperature. we must get rid of that water asap, otherwise our body - with its limited, tired, resources - will only be able to keep us warm to a limited extent.

5。封闭好的烛灯笼(fully-enclosed little candle lantern)即安全也能提供一些热源。

6。还是两层睡垫,底下一层用泡沫或塑胶的,上面用充气睡垫。如果怕冷,可以选厚些的睡垫,all weather emergency blanket可以用来垫一层盖一层。因为现在多是一个晚上的camping,所以就是闷气也影响不大。



9。羽绒服防寒非常有效,特别是雪地露营的话,穿着它睡觉比N层的衣服或轻薄的PrimaLoft绵衣有用的多。小归穿着羽绒服,我穿的是Primaloft jacket, 防寒效果差很多。雪地高寒露营,显然羽绒服是无法替代的。



everyone just thought it was normal to share tents, and groups like the VOC and BCMC even had stocks of 4-person tents for trip use by members. Choosing tentmates was just part of organizing trips, and as you can imagine was an important part of the fun and games. Eventually many or most of the bivy sackers realized tents were better unless you were stuck on a cliff somewhere, and switched. But they switched to single tents. What a waste of body heat and socializing. I mean, we go on group trips to socialize, don't we?



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发表于 2006-3-14 14:06:39 | 显示全部楼层
my sleeping bag is -12 8)
 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-14 14:21:46 | 显示全部楼层

零下25度睡帐篷完全可行,而且并不少见。请参看相关讨论,在我改进我此行得到的教训后,我还是会再次尝试的 :lol: 。
发表于 2006-3-14 20:50:27 | 显示全部楼层
my sleeping bag is -12 8)

火娃真是名下下无虚啊! 穿羽绒服服睡的吗?
发表于 2006-3-14 22:57:56 | 显示全部楼层
my sleeping bag is -12 8)

火娃真是名下下无虚啊! 穿羽绒服服睡的吗?[/quote]


-25度是晚上11:00-1:00左右测的, 实际上一天的极端最低气温在凌晨日出之前,大约3-4点左右, 当时我露出在睡袋外面的脸的确有点冻的麻木的感觉, 但身上还是能够保持温暖.

1. 两层睡垫是必需的,我用了一个塑胶垫再加一个充气垫, 上面再覆盖AW blanket, 对折后正好将睡袋从底到上包住(实际上MEC有买emergency bivy sack, 28块, 其实就是一个缝好的AW blanket睡袋套, 这个更方便), 这样晚上丝毫感觉不到地下冒上来的凉气.

2. 不要相信任何合成材料, 干燥的羽绒是最好的保暖材料,我里面一件短袖, 外面套一件羽绒服, 刚睡下去的时候还有点热.

3.睡前搭帐篷并不错, 铲雪夯实等大运动量的工作使你在钻进睡袋前是热气腾腾的, 要知道所有的保温材料都只能"保温"而不能"产热", 所以产热还是要靠自己. 但是这有个前提, 一定要对自己的帐篷熟悉, 否则在黑暗中仅靠头灯搭帐篷会有一定麻烦.

4.由于温度太低, gaiter的拉链和鞋子的鞋面鞋带全部被冻干, 我睡前用了半个多小时才把它们除下来. 第二天早上用了一个小时才穿上去.
可见保持鞋子的干燥有多么重要. 也可去canadian tire买车锁解冻的deicer喷剂可以快速解冻.

5.一副轻薄保暖的手套对于winter camping很重要, 晚上搭帐篷杆, 用shovel等金属工具都不能直接用手, 会把皮沾掉. 我此行带了两付羊皮内有micro fleece的手套, 又轻又贴手, 带着它可以做任何事情而不用除下来.

不当或遗漏之处请大家指正 :P
 楼主| 发表于 2006-3-15 09:19:11 | 显示全部楼层
上次在BREW HUT和我们一起吃火锅玩杀人游戏的Bob的建议:

Gloria, I think you need to add more carbohydrates to your winter diet. Carbs will fuel your body warmth fairly quickly and then run out sometime between 1 and 4 AM. If you're lucky the protein in your dinner will then kick in to keep you warm. Yes, do keep chocolate or, even better, a carb based energy bar in your sleeping bag. It acts fairly quickly and will let you get a bit more sleep. Just remember to put it into a pocket or something in your bag or else it will be frozen solid when you want it.

Also getting dehydrated makes you more susceptible to the cold. Make sure you drink lots of warm liquids.

My experience with overbags is similar to Jeff's. The overbag (MEC Emp Penguin - grey) trapped moisture in my sleeping system. I'd wake up feeling damp. Fortunately, while the nights (5) were in the -20 range the days were crystal clear and the sun dried everything in the tent daily.

Also on the topic of sleeping bags and to expand on something Dru said. If you are in temperatures way colder than your down bag is rated for any inconsistancy in the placement of the down will create cold spots. Make sure you fluff it up. Make sure the bag is cleaned regularly and the 'down puffing' stuff (forgot the name right now) is used - it realy works well. Watch out for older down bags - once the down gets 'tired' it doesn't work. Can't afford a new one? Buy a liner and rent one.

This past weekend the nights were all -25 and my tent was -15 in the morning. Another person with a MH Trango2 had the same internal tent temperature the first morning. For the last 2 nights 2 people slept in that tent and the morning internal temperature dropped to -8 for them while I was still at -15. A second body in the tent makes a big difference.

I also find that when Ladybug and I zip our bags together it adds about 5 degrees to the range of the bags. Mind you these bags are the same except one is right zip (ladies short) and one is left zip (men's med.) so the internal baffles work properly when zipped together.

When the temperature drops to or below -10 and you are camping don't drink alcohol. You pay for it all night long.

Hot nalgene bottles? Brilliant! However those outrageously priced OR nalgene cozies that hang on the rack accross from the fifth cashier station at MEC are also worth every penny. I bot one last Wednesday for a 4-day backcountry ski camp with some trepidation (I though everyone would laught at my shiney new expensive brand name nalgene cozy!) only to find everyone else had one too (of various vintages mind you)! They keep you drinking water from freezing all day long. Filled with boiling water and tucked between your legs while sitting around chatting before going to bed keeps the major arteries in your legs, and therefore your feet, warm. Reheat the water before going to bed they will help keep you warm all night. If you are all bundled up inside your sleeping bag it takes forever to heat up the insulating air in your thermarest. The hot nalgene takes care of this pretty quickly.

Another fan of booties here. However, regardless of which one you buy, get an insole for them. The fibre kind we used to put in rubber boots works well. 3 Vets has some with heat reflective foil on one side. They make the booties much warmer. While I would have preferred synthetic I bot some of the MEC expedition booties and put an insole in them. My feet were always warm (except when I put my frozen ski boots on each morning ). You don't need the bootie insulation to go much above your ankle but the cover or gaiter part should go to your knee. Helps keep snow out. I meant to check out Taiga for booties but forgot so I'm not sure what they have. No room for an insole? Take a small piece of blue or yellow foam to place on the snow under your feet.

Anyways, after all that, winter camping is a lot of fun and No Bugs! Hope these comments help.
发表于 2006-3-15 09:28:28 | 显示全部楼层

俺是不打算这样尝试的,除非俺有更远大的目标,不得不借助雪地露营的手段去完成它。现阶段,还是以贪图享受为主  :)
发表于 2006-3-15 11:19:26 | 显示全部楼层

俺是不打算这样尝试的,除非俺有更远大的目标,不得不借助雪地露营的手段去完成它。现阶段,还是以贪图享受为主  :)

我的目標是backcountry skiing,那麼就需要雪地露营了.
2006冬季學習  :wink:
target 2007年冬季全面出擊. (要儲蓄買裝備) :lol:
发表于 2006-3-15 16:28:37 | 显示全部楼层

俺是不打算这样尝试的,除非俺有更远大的目标,不得不借助雪地露营的手段去完成它。现阶段,还是以贪图享受为主  :)

我的目標是backcountry skiing,那麼就需要雪地露营了.
2006冬季學習  :wink:
target 2007年冬季全面出擊. (要儲蓄買裝備) :lol:[/quote]

厉害。想想拖着或者扛着那ski板子上山坡俺就头疼,更何况还是backpack!!!。不过对downhill ski俺早就厌了,cross country也许会有趣一些,毕竟可以去不同的地方。
 楼主| 发表于 2011-6-7 21:25:51 | 显示全部楼层
在看以前的贴子,翻一个老贴出来 :wink:
发表于 2011-6-8 10:33:27 | 显示全部楼层

冬天露營也嘗試成功, 結論是事前的準備工作和裝備足夠便可以了.


2011/2012的冬季將安排一些冬季露營, 加越野滑雪, 和大家一起玩.
日後留意滑雪論壇.  (這是俺的地盤    :lol:  :lol: )
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