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楼主: lulululu


发表于 2007-2-21 23:33:57 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-22 19:28:07 | 显示全部楼层

偷渡比申請簽証更難。 :wink:
发表于 2007-2-22 21:03:58 | 显示全部楼层

Fees for Wilderness Camping Permits

$5 to register for a permit to camp overnight in the wilderness (for groups up to 12 people), plus $2 per person per night.

There is no nightly charge for youth 16 years of age and under.

Annual passes are available for frequent wilderness visitors for $30; $15 for each additional household member. Discounts associated with Golden Age and Golden Access Cards apply.

Wilderness use fees help support visitor management projects like trail maintenance, backcountry bridge replacement, pit toilets, revegetation projects and the WIC.

Eighty percent of the fees collected are returned directly to the park for wilderness management projects. The other twenty percent goes to parks that do not charge fees.

An Entrance Fee of $15 is also charged at the following park entrances: Hoh, Sol Duc, Elwha, Hurricane Ridge, Staircase and Ozette.

Maximum rates:
$50.00 for trips up of to 14 nights with a party of up to 6 people
$100.00 for trips of up to 14 nights with groups of 7-12 people
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 22:18:26 | 显示全部楼层
我刚给去过OCT的朋友Scott发了询问信,也给ONP发了信问询road condition等等,在CT & NWhikers也发了问询贴,信息总是多多益善 :wink: 应该很快会有更多信息。


 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-22 23:53:36 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-23 21:50:10 | 显示全部楼层
I would like to reserve a spot for this trip + carpool.  Thanks.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 12:19:41 | 显示全部楼层
看来这次行程不能包括Shi shi了,时间不够。原来计划第二天早上坐Shuttle bus到Rialto然后开走的安排也不合理,因为第一天的行程最难(from Rialto to Cedar Creek,8.8miles),还有好几处潮汐问题,我们需要早早就从Rialto出发。这样第一天晚上就到South Trailhead(Rialto)扎营第二天直接开始走(第一天下午到Ozette后即坐Shuttle Bus到Rialto),这样后面的安排就从容很多。如果有可能的话,还可以第一天就走个1mile到Ellen Creek扎营(想过走更远些到Chilean扎营,但不可能,1.营地不够大,2.第一天时间远不够这样做),

1. citywander在Rialto和我们会合(周五晚/夜),在和我们走完三天后,我们绕些路(来回共多开~70km)送你回到Rialto取完车我们再回温哥华.

请同行的伙伴们读一下OCT-North Route Description以对我们的行程有所了解, 谢谢!


Hi Gloria,

I just have time for a quick note here.  I wanted to let you know about the flaw in your plan.  Time.

You will be hard pressed to do Day 1 as planned.  We rarely get to Port Angeles much before noon - despite heading out at 6:00 am.  There is the border, buying food in America, ferries, lunch and then the slow roads on the Olympic Peninsula.

It takes longer than you think to get places on the OP because the roads are small and twisty.


You also have to decide which ferry to take.  There is the one at Kennedy and the one at Pt Townsend.

I will get back to you with more details later.



There are two possible ferries.  Last time we took the southern one on the way down and the northern one on the way back.

The problem with the Whidby Island one(Port Townsend / Keystone )is that it is small an infrequent.  If you check the timetable on the WA State ferry map, some of the departures are cancelled because of tides (I checked April and there aren't any cancellations so that is good).  You also may not get on because it is full.  That means that you will want to get there early to be sure to get on.  The drive down Whidby Island seems to take forever.  From the time you hit Whidby Island, to the trailheads on the peninsula, I would estimate that you would be averaging 70-75km/hr.   The roads are windy and you could end up behind a slow driver.

In order to get to Port Angeles much before noon, you would have to catch the 8:45 ferry.  We haven't had the fortune to get it yet.  We always end up on the 10:15.

The southern ferry is big and goes every 30 minutes or so, but you have to drive almost all the way to Seattle.  

In the end we thought that they were equivalent.  Which one you take depends on your needs and timing.

In the past the border guards have taken some of our food.  One time they even took a can of soup from us.  As a result, we usually buy our food at Albertson's in Port Angeles.  This takes time.  If you have food that they won't take - that should save some time.

The only realistic way to get to Shi Shi is from the north.  On the way through the reserve you have to buy a tribal pass from any of the stores.  You can park your car at the trailhead if you are just there for a dayhike.  We have to pay $5/day for parking on on an Indian's lawn down the road when we camp overnight.  If you leave the car at the trailhead overnight, the Indians will vandalize it.

There is a 20-30 minute hike to get to the beach.  I can tell you a shortcut if you are interested.

The beach is amazing.  It is three miles to get to the Point of Arches.  They have the best tidal pools that we have ever seen.

The Ozette River is way past the Point of Arches and it is my understanding from my research that in the spring it is quite difficult/dangerous to cross (in case you are planning to backpack the entire distance).  There are updates on it posted on the official website for the park.  I have read that some people have found another way around it, but it involves an indistinct trail and a lot of bushwacking and time.

I will attach some photos.  There is lots of wildlife.  You will see lots of deer on the beach.  Look for seals that body surf in the waves.  Eagles are everywhere.



You have laid out a VERY ambitious itinerary.  If your goal is just to thru-hike the beach, then your plan will work but you will have little time to enjoy the reality, and you will work very hard for what you enjoy.  If you want some time to absorb the beauty you will be walking thru, I recommend you adjust your plans.

I have done all of the coastal areas you have in mind, and I would bypass ShiShi for this trip / time window.  It will take all of your available days to appropriately enjoy the North section of the beach.  There is nothing at ShiShi that is more impressive than what you will see between Rialto and Ozette.

Coming from Rialto, the first viable campsite is in the bay at at Chilean Memorial but the camping space at Chilean is very limited in the winter.  Campsites that are up off of the beach are few at the Chilean area,  and those few sites are very small.  Even in April it is very risky camping on the beach itself due to the risk of storms pushing the ocean over the beach (and over your tent).  If you are a large group and you stay at Chilean, you run the risk of being forced to huddle on the sidehill in the brush, all night, with little shelter and no hope of a flat spot for tenting.  The ocean has forced me to do this at Chilean in the past and it is NOT fun.

However, things may have changed since I was last there.  You should check with the rangers regarding campsites between Rialto and Lookout Point/Cedar Creek area..... and pay close attention to their advice.  If you are a small group, Chilean might work, but if you have any size to the group, you should plan on a Very Big first day - with an EARLY start at the Mora trailhead - and get past Never-Round-Point at least.

If you do so (early start, go a long way the first day, work with the low tides, make the Lookout Pont/Cedar Creek area on the first day, even if it means playing games with the avalable daylight) the rest of the trip will be easier.  Going from Mora to the area north of Lookout is a BIG DAY, it will involve lots of rock hopping, over 8 miles of distance,  avoiding the high tides, rounding points only roundable at lower tides.....  very complicated.

BUT - once you get there .... the payoff is good.  Fom the area above Never-Round / Lookout north to Norewegian Memorial, the terrain is much easier to manage and you can take your time and enjoy things.  There are good stretches of walking beach from Never-Round to Norwegian, manageable at all but the highest of high tides.  North of Norwegain, there is 3+ miles of rock hopping before you reach Yellow Banks.  You can camp at Yellow, or go further to the camp sites at Sand Point.

Passing on the ShiShi dayhike (and the extra driving involved) should give you the time to do the additional beach hike between Sand Point and Alava.  See the petroglyphs, then walk out the Alava trail.  From either Sand Point or Alava, it's an easy 3 mile walk to the trailhead.  There are no issues with fording any creeks along this stretch of the coastline.  From either Sand Pint or Alava, you will strike inland for your car well South of the mouth of the Osette River.

Take a tarp or two, and extra line to fly them in the air.  Having a dry communal camp area is a HUGE plus, much better than hiding in the tents from the rain.  Take lots of fire starter as well.  If it's raining, it will be RAINING, and a fire can make all the difference....

My last comment;  8 miles along an up-down trail in the mountains is much easier than 8 miles along the Oly seahsore.  Rock hopping on slick ocean shoreline, and beach slogging thru pea gravel, is much harder than one might think .... unless you've done it before - in which case you know what I am talking about....

Shacknasty Jim
Is it possible for us to  try Shi Shi if we can get to WIC @Port Angeles before noon?

It's possible in the same way it might be possible that I one day prefer full-time employment vis-a-vis part-time, dead-end jobs.

Doing some rough calculation, I didn't think you could start your dayhike to Shi Shi before 2 PM. That includes a stop-off in Neah Bay for the reservation permit (P/U at the Makah Museum or Washburn's grocery, both prominent and on the left side of 112). Assuming 3-4 hours on the Shi Shi hike, you can see where that leaves you. It's not that short of a ride from the trailhead back to Ozette. And keep in mind, on your dayhike, you likely won't be able to reach the best part of the beach - Point of Arches.

Another option to consider is going straight to Ozette, set up camp and head out to Cape Alava. When doing the backpack from Rialto, exit at Sand Point, thus avoiding any overlap between the two trips.[/quote]

From Shi shi back to Ozette is on 112 and then another 22 miles to Ozette that will take you several hours.  These are winding narrow roads, so don't plan on getting any where fast.  That might be a bit ambitious for your first day.

Another option would be to stay at Neah Bay.  The Hobuck River Campground about 2 miles from the Shi shi parking area has been rebuilt with new cabins and bathroom/showers, so that's an option.  Plus you'll be right on the ocean.  I didn't camp there, but drove through and checked it out and it got my  :up:  :up:  for pay spots.  $15 a night.  Ozette Lk is now charging $10 a night in off season.

Don't miss Cape Flattery!.....I wouldn't rush through that area.  The beaches are wonderful and early April will have few people about.

I was out that way last week check out my TR from Feb. 16   I only poked around the Makah area.  There's a nice trail head parking lot for Shi Shi, but the signs warn not to park overnight.  I parked/camped on the beach about 3/4 of a mile from the TH.  There were several signs up offering parking for $5 a day and $10 overnight.

There was a truck at the TH that parked overnight, so I guess you take your chances.  This area has long been known as a trouble spot for access and break ins.  Hy 112 is in decent shape.  Several areas that have slid in the past have been repaired and the storm damage is evident with numerous cleared trees down.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 12:36:51 | 显示全部楼层
再綜合我的統計, 由Broadway到north trailhead 距離及需時如下:

由Broadway到Keystone有197km, 需時2.5 hrs。
Keystone 到Port Townsend ferry - 0.5 hr
Port Townsend 到Port Angeles WIC 77 km, 1 hr.
Port Angeles 到 north trailhead 140 km, 2.5 hrs

共6.5hrs. 還未包括過關, 中途休息, 唱歌, 晚飯, 午餐, 在WIC取camping permit。看來可能要早上8:00 am 出發。 :?

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-25 17:13:57 | 显示全部楼层
two more replies I just got:

I think that's a much smarter agenda than your original idea.....that way you get to spend more quality time instead of driving alot.  There is lots of camping at Ellen creek....just make sure you're above the high tide mark!!!  Carry that tide table like a bible.  Chilean memorial is a very cool place....take time to look at the tide pools on the south side of Cape Johnson....best I've ever seen....( they are north of where the overland trail goes north...)  You'll have a grand time...

Additional intel for you - they say a pix is worth lots-o-words.  Here's a Washington State Dept of Ecology web site that provides arial photos of all of the WA coastline.  You can "fly" the coast and look at the hike.


Just put your pointer on te section you want to look at, then zoom on in.... it'a fun site.
发表于 2007-2-25 22:45:38 | 显示全部楼层
再綜合我的統計, 由Broadway到north trailhead 距離及需時如下:

由Broadway到Keystone有197km, 需時2.5 hrs。
Keystone 到Port Townsend ferry - 0.5 hr
Port Townsend 到Port Angeles WIC 77 km, 1 hr.
Port Angeles 到 north trailhead 140 km, 2.5 hrs

共6.5hrs. 還未包括過關, 中途休息, 唱歌, 晚飯, 午餐, 在WIC取camping permit。看來可能要早上8:00 am 出發。 :?


剛剛滑雪回來, 未有仔細閱讀所有資料, 不過有以下意見:

1.  週五6:00am 出發, 應不可能趕上8:45am 的ferry。去年五月二十日和QQ們南下購物, 我們用了兩小時輪候過關。如同伴沒有公民卡, 簽証是第一次用, 全車私機、乘客也要入office接受問話, 簽証持有人要打手印, 取一張有效六個月的証件。由Broadway到border要1hr, 過關預2.5hrs., 去Keystone要1.5hrs。這樣只可乘12:00 noon 的船。12:30pm 到Port Townsend, 1:30pm 到 Port Angeles。 吃中飯, 買糧食, 取permit, 預1.5hrs, 將是3:00pm。再開2.5hrs車到Ozette是5:30pm。 等Shuttle去Riatlo大概需要3.5hrs。到達campsite可能是晚上9:00pm。這樣舟車勞動, 司機太辛苦了。

2. 可否週四下午出發, 避開過關人龍, 希望可以3:00pm前到
Port Angeles辦理permit, 然后在附近找個旅館渡宿夜。這樣週五可大清早出發到Ozette坐shuttle。餘下的時間更容易安排, 調動。 妨且週一也要早點回Vancouver預備週二上班。

3. 在OCT的website看有三個information centre, 可否到其他的centre拿permit?

 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-26 19:10:01 | 显示全部楼层
再綜合我的統計, 由Broadway到north trailhead 距離及需時如下:

由Broadway到Keystone有197km, 需時2.5 hrs。
Keystone 到Port Townsend ferry - 0.5 hr
Port Townsend 到Port Angeles WIC 77 km, 1 hr.
Port Angeles 到 north trailhead 140 km, 2.5 hrs

共6.5hrs. 還未包括過關, 中途休息, 唱歌, 晚飯, 午餐, 在WIC取camping permit。看來可能要早上8:00 am 出發。 :?


剛剛滑雪回來, 未有仔細閱讀所有資料, 不過有以下意見:

1.  週五6:00am 出發, 應不可能趕上8:45am 的ferry。去年五月二十日和QQ們南下購物, 我們用了兩小時輪候過關。如同伴沒有公民卡, 簽証是第一次用, 全車私機、乘客也要入office接受問話, 簽証持有人要打手印, 取一張有效六個月的証件。由Broadway到border要1hr, 過關預2.5hrs., 去Keystone要1.5hrs。這樣只可乘12:00 noon 的船。12:30pm 到Port Townsend, 1:30pm 到 Port Angeles。 吃中飯, 買糧食, 取permit, 預1.5hrs, 將是3:00pm。再開2.5hrs車到Ozette是5:30pm。 等Shuttle去Riatlo大概需要3.5hrs。到達campsite可能是晚上9:00pm。這樣舟車勞動, 司機太辛苦了。

2. 可否週四下午出發, 避開過關人龍, 希望可以3:00pm前到
Port Angeles辦理permit, 然后在附近找個旅館渡宿夜。這樣週五可大清早出發到Ozette坐shuttle。餘下的時間更容易安排, 調動。 妨且週一也要早點回Vancouver預備週二上班。

3. 在OCT的website看有三個information centre, 可否到其他的centre拿permit?


I called WIC this morning and I was told that the roads (Highway 101,112 and the roads to both trailheads) are fine at present.

It's about 65 miles from Ozette to Rialto. I don't think it will take us 3.5 hours. I am thinking we’d be better to drop off at Rialto first. Then the drivers can continue to go to Ozette TH while other people can set up tents and cook dinner. Then one driver can drive other drivers back to Rialto. Other cars will park at Ozette for 3 nights.  The reasons are as follows.

1. We can save time from waiting for the shuttle bus. We don't exactly know when we can reach the trailhead.

2. We still need to come back to Rialto to pick up both Jerry and Citywander's cars after we finish the trail. They will meet us directly at Rialto first night.

3. I contacted the windsox shuttle service several times but I got no response.  It's not cheap to use another shuttle service that WIC recommended with $200 for per carload(3 Adult). It seems we might have a big group of 12 and their capacity might not be enough for our group.

4. We can save the shuttle fee for our drivers and we can set tents & cook dinner for them while they do extra transportation work for us. I know it will bother our dirvers..... :cry:  :oops:


2. 可否週四下午出發, 避開過關人龍, 希望可以3:00pm前到
Port Angeles辦理permit, 然后在附近找個旅館渡宿夜。這樣週五可大清早出發到Ozette坐shuttle。餘下的時間更容易安排, 調動。 妨且週一也要早點回Vancouver預備週二上班。


I might not be able to take thursday afternoon off :cry:


3. 在OCT的website看有三個information centre, 可否到其他的centre拿permit?


We will need to stop there at the Wilderness Information Center in Port Angeles to get permits. The others would be out of our  way.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-26 19:55:24 | 显示全部楼层
报名已满, 现在定下来去的有:lulululu, Camony, jerrybj, citywander, JQK, ops,  Swimer(?),manmike(?) Gloria, 英子,河童, strider, 虎行北美(Maximum group size is 12 people)

Wilderness Camping Permits &  Food Storage nfo:

Click on "Wilderness Camping Permits" and "Food Storage".
发表于 2007-2-27 21:25:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-2-28 00:05:09 | 显示全部楼层
10个人如果4辆车,全部开到trail end,留2辆车,挤上2辆车到trailhead。

10个人如果3辆车,全部开到trail end,留1辆车,挤上2辆车到trailhead。

走到Trail end后,1车或2车载司机和Jerry and Citywander到trailhead取车。


或者在Junction split? 继续琢磨。。。
发表于 2007-2-28 20:49:57 | 显示全部楼层
lulu, 按我们讨论的,应该可行。如果车不够的话,还可以考虑到美国后租一辆车。
 楼主| 发表于 2007-2-28 22:04:47 | 显示全部楼层
lulu, 按我们讨论的,应该可行。如果车不够的话,还可以考虑到美国后租一辆车。



从Trailhead到Trailend的行车路线(GPS Route):

发表于 2007-3-1 00:11:58 | 显示全部楼层
Port Townsend / Keystone 的Ferry只能看到Winter 2007 Schedule        (Effective 1/07/2007 - 3/31/2007),4月后应该会有更多班次,所以有希望提前到达Port Angeles.

如果是从Port Angeles直接去Trail end,走北边112会更快么?
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-1 05:54:46 | 显示全部楼层

如果是从Port Angeles直接去Trail end,走北边112会更快么?

I heard 112 is winding narrow road
 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-6 22:47:49 | 显示全部楼层
I just bought a Custom Correct North Olympic Coast Map which will show us how low the tide needs to be to get around each headland. See
http://www.rei.com/online/store/ ... amp;vcat=REI_SEARCH

I would also suggest looking at the tide chart at
http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov ... mp;secstn=La%20Push,+Quillayute+River&thh=-0&thm=39&tlh=-0&tlm=34&hh=*0.91&hl=*0.94
http://tidesonline.nos.noaa.gov/ ... nfo=9442396+La+Push,+WA

There are not tide calculations for specific areas like Cedar Creek or Sand Point. We can just add a few minutes. There is rarely more than one low tide during daylight hours.
发表于 2007-3-23 19:07:10 | 显示全部楼层

Food Storage

Avoid odor-tainting your backpack. Carry food and garbage in plastic bags. Avoid cooking greasy or odorous foods.

If your food is not properly stored, it may be confiscated and a $50 fine may be issued to protect visitors, property and bears.

Animal Resistant Food Containers
Bear canisters are available for loan from the WIC and some park ranger stations. A suggested $3 per canister donation helps to perpetuate the program and provide education materials.

Hard-sided food containers like bear canisters are required on the coast.

在OCT上有很多racoons, 老鼠。公園管理局要求backpackers用這個硬桶存放食物。由于這個桶體積不太大, 可能每人要租用一個, 費用美金$3。
LuLu的朋友Scott建議用兩條12"的bungee cord 繫在背包外。Bungee cord 可在Canadian Tire等地方買到。

Bungee cord

Bungee cord

Food Canister

Food Canister
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