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发表于 2010-4-14 10:23:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
雪崩不一定發生在大型的山坡, 總之有適合的環境便會發生.

先看看這段發生在美國的滑雪片段 (2010年4月吧).
Avalanche in Avalanche Bowl on Teton Pass.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-14 10:37:42 | 显示全部楼层

1.  這滑雪人仕是有雪崩的配備, 他還有配帶Avalug, 即使給雪埋掉, 要是及時用到Avalug, 在雪堆也可以呼吸一小段時間.  這一點很重要.


要越過有潛在危險性的雪坡前是要早早帶上雪崩的配備, 還要確保是操作正常.


也歡迎討論, 發表意見.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-14 13:21:24 | 显示全部楼层
2. 滑雪者還沒橫過這雪坡時, 雪崩還沒有開始, 雪坡看來平滑, 好像沒有任何裂縫或有雪崩發生過的痕跡(video角度很少,能觀看的景象有限制).  當滑雪者滑下自己站著斜坡時,接近這個細小的gully/雪坡時, 雪坡開始崩裂了.  

從video看這個雪崩, 看來是由滑雪者所引發的機會很大.

一.  雪崩前,肉眼是看不到雪崩將會有機會在這裡發生
二.  由人所引發一些不穩定雪坡的下滑, 機會是多著的

 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-14 15:34:09 | 显示全部楼层
3.  滑雪者當滑下去時看到有雪崩, 沒有辦法停止了, 只好衝過去了. 他衝過去的時候, 雪在他的腳下斷裂(好像), 不過其後雪也在上面的雪坡滑下來, 幸好他己衝過去了.  當時的雪崩的闊度很小, 所以也可以讓他衝過.

一.  滑雪是在雪地滑行,速度比較快一點,也不可能和雪崩速度比較. 最重要的是雪鞋是比滑雪慢的多, 在這情況下要是穿雪鞋的肯定會給雪沖走.
二.  雪崩的闊度雖然很小, 看來滑下去的雪層好像不太厚, 小小的範圍便這麼多雪,可以把人活埋, 所以不要小看小型雪崩帶來的危險.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-14 15:48:05 | 显示全部楼层
4. 當然這次有攝影師在拍攝, 沒有一起走進gully.


一. 橫越有潛在危險性的雪坡時, 一定要一個, 一個的橫越, 不能三,五成群.
二. 一個發生了意外, 後面的人在安全的情況下,便可以進行搶救. 當然他也須要帶備雪崩搶救的基本工具, beacon, probe, 和, shovel. 帶備基本的雪崩工具是對你的隊友負責任的表現.

我為人人. 人人為我, 就是這樣子喇.

我比較喜歡"百年雨林"所說過的一句話: 當沒有意外發生時,所有安全準備都是多餘的. 看來以上所說都是多餘的.  :lol:  :lol: :lol:
发表于 2010-4-14 16:53:00 | 显示全部楼层

Canadian Avalanche Association提供的免費網上基本課程, 循序漸進地介紹預防雪崩及應付雪崩的技巧, 有不少有用的資訊.

发表于 2010-4-15 07:21:34 | 显示全部楼层

一. 橫越有潛在危險性的雪坡時, 一定要一個, 一個的橫越, 不能三,五成群.

发表于 2010-4-15 07:25:59 | 显示全部楼层
Thank-you Alex and Jinsi for the info. Very informative!  :aa5:
发表于 2010-4-15 07:57:10 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢Alex和Jinsi分享信息和体会。还有日照气温,风向风速,雪坡方向等等也和雪崩相关,行前一定要把雪崩预报的细节描述认真读过想过,行程计划要了解雪崩预报的rating,要了解走的路线是simple,challenging还是complex地形,不安排不走任何冒险的行程.要了解哪些地段会有一定的危险,走的时候要观察环境,选取最安全的路线和走法,行进在有潜在危险的地段要至少保持三十米以上的距离,最重要的就是我们要有雪崩安全意识和足够的雪崩知识等,要按召集贴的要求租借雪崩装备并练习使用---这些都是我们做得不够的地方,先自我检讨一下,这次Russet Lake没有抽时间练习雪崩装备的使用,下次一定改正 :oops:  :oops:  :oops:  :oops:
发表于 2010-4-18 15:31:22 | 显示全部楼层
Would like to share two more videos.

发表于 2010-4-20 20:16:29 | 显示全部楼层
春季走雪地也要小心,Canadian Avalanche Center春季提供的avy详细信息会渐渐地减少,但气温升高也是雪况不稳定的一个原因,另外看见ACC Whister的Mitch回贴----说到Wendy Thompson Hut trail的rating和春季发生的雪崩...很好的信息

Originally posted by msulkers

Oriana. There's never been a key for the Wendy Thompson Hut. The terrain, as we have noted on the website this year, has been rated as Challenging as of last fall.

The greatest avalanche danger in accessing the hut occurs in the spring, when climax isothermal slides can slide right across the valley. A couple of the meadows that are crossed are actually climax avy runouts.

I'm pretty sure if you read the access info carefully, you'll have a good sense of the risks involved in accessing the hut. I think the only source that still rates the access as simple is the CAC Trip Planner, which has unfortunately been slow to make changes.

Two litres of kerosene should be fine for on night. If temps are a warm as they were today, watch those south-facing slopes and be very careful about any slopes with cornices at the top, regardless of the aspect.

发表于 2010-4-21 10:20:14 | 显示全部楼层
Listened to the radio briefly this morning on the way to work....

Whistler Blackcomb had a class 2 snow slide / avalanche.  This degree can totally bury a person.  Cause is still investigated.

This is an alarm for outdoor lovers to exercise caution in Spring.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-21 10:49:09 | 显示全部楼层
By: ctvbc.ca

Date: Tuesday Apr. 20, 2010 9:09 PM PT

Authorities say there appear to be no injuries after a Class 2 avalanche hit Blackcomb Mountain on Tuesday afternoon.

Patrollers discovered the aftermath of the slide just before 4 p.m. while doing an end-of-day sweep of the mountain.

The avalanche hit an area within bounds known as "Bad Attitude."

There were no signs of equipment or beacon signals, but two dog teams and search and rescue personnel were dispatched to ensure no one was trapped.

At 5:40 p.m., search teams determined no one had been injured.

Authorities have not determined how or when the slide was triggered.

The lifts had stopped running when it was discovered.

http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/ ... hub=BritishColumbia
 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-21 11:09:31 | 显示全部楼层
1.  據報導是within bounds, 即是發生在滑雪塲範圍內.
2.  滑雪塲範圍內, 我想很少人會帶beacons (我也不會喇.) 所以要小心搜索.

有一點可以留意, 時間是在下午發生, 溫度上升可能是一個重要因素.
发表于 2010-4-21 16:58:50 | 显示全部楼层
1.  據報導是within bounds, 即是發生在滑雪塲範圍內.
2.  滑雪塲範圍內, 我想很少人會帶beacons (我也不會喇.) 所以要小心搜索.

有一點可以留意, 時間是在下午發生, 溫度上升可能是一個重要因素.

Hi Alex and all,
I always think of Springtime as the time when avalanches don't behave according to the forecast especially over the last few years when persistant weak layers have caused major slides both in and out of bounds.

These are great videos of avalanches which catch people by surprise and at this time of year that is exactly what happens when the freezing level goes up and snow becomes isothermal.

It is important not to determine your plans simply by the avalanche rating especially if the ratings are getting better.
This is the time when isolated remaining highly reactive pockets of cold slab snow which don’t bond well and are affected by the sun still exist on various slope aspects. They do not reflect the overall forecast rating and typically at this time of year you will not see much difference in the forecasts (Sad but true).

That is why it is important to look for notes in the forecast which have been carried over into the next forecast period despite improvement in the ratings and get recent observations (if possible) for the area you are going to travel in). These notes are there to let you know that some avalanches are not going to behave according to the forecast period and to be ready for them.

An example of this type of note can be taken from a previous email to Lulu regarding the singing pass trip.

This note remained in effect while the forecast improved and is there to tell you that a problem will continue to exist . You need to read the terrain and feel the differences in the snow consistency and density very carefully while you are out there.
Quote : “Loose new snow sits on wind affected surfaces in lee terrain. Isolated pockets of wind slab on solar exposed terrain are now covered by new snow.”

The next example of a note taken from today’s Whistler Report is one which could be carried over a few forecast periods despite the ratings improving (Note that today’s 3 day forecast calls for a “moderate” rating from below treeline to Alpine):
“Cornices and unsupported features are the most significant concern at all elevations. A mostly isothermal snowpack has been on the move for several days now. Snow that is located in steep terrain, especially below tree line, is falling from features and plowing deep trenches until it deposits dense debris when it reaches lower angle terrain”

That first video is a good example of how a highly reactive weak layer covered by a slab warming in the morning sun can catch you by surprise even if the Avalanche report ratings are improving. It demonstrates the need for properly looking at the slope visually for a few minutes in order to identify hidden build up areas and convexities and doing field tests (snow pits/shear tests etc).
Extremely important to note is how that gentle slope started pulling snow well back of the convex roll below (which is not seen in the picture).
It doesn’t matter how thick the slab layer was or how gentle the slope was. Once everything started to move, velocity built quickly and pulls everything along like the current in a fast moving stream (even in shallow terrain)

A snow pit does not take that long to do with a group and can help you manage risk in the field and the way you approach the route rather than just hoping the route you chose deals with the problem. This is especially important in areas which are rated as challenging and above including multiple convexities, ridges, cross loading, terrain traps and in cases where avalanche reports are changing fairly quickly.

Sometimes I’m not sure what to offer in terms of ideas to all of you on these subjects because I don’t speak Chinese and many of you may already have a lot experience and knowledge, so I only hope that this information is helpful.
发表于 2010-4-21 17:37:38 | 显示全部楼层
春季走雪地也要小心,Canadian Avalanche Center春季提供的avy详细信息会渐渐地减少,但气温升高也是雪况不稳定的一个原因,另外看见ACC Whister的Mitch回贴----说到Wendy Thompson Hut trail的rating和春季发生的雪崩...很好的信息

[quote]Originally posted by msulkers

The greatest avalanche danger in accessing the hut occurs in the spring, when climax isothermal slides can slide right across the valley. A couple of the meadows that are crossed are actually climax avy runouts.


This is typical in Spring for Avalanche chutes which run to valley bottoms such as routes to Wendy Thompson, Cerise Creek, and Birkenhead Phelix Creek areas and most interior avalanche Corridors. I prefer to carry Avalanche Equipment with me when crossing these valley and meadow bottoms.
发表于 2010-4-22 05:55:25 | 显示全部楼层
Here are todays South Coast notes with respect to what I was trying to express

My quote)
They do not reflect the overall forecast rating and typically at this time of year you will not see much difference in the forecasts (Sad but true)

South Coast Notes
"Special Message
The following information provides general advice for making informed decisions and managing risk in spring conditions. Conditions may vary throughout the region, and throughout the day with ever changing spring weather. Check out our discussion forum , the Telemarktips.com forum , the SnoWest forum , the Snow and Mud forum , or the ACMG mountain conditions report for recent snowpack and avalanche observations.

Confidence: Fair
There are very few field observations at this time of year. This forecast is based primarily on weather data and the weather forecast."

Whistler notes from this morning
Travel Advisory:
A relatively thick crust has recovered over an otherwise rain and melt water soaked snowpack. Daytime warming and direct solar exposure will break down this new crust on some solar slopes. This freeze thaw cycle will add stress to the already weak cornices throughout the area.

Avalanche Activity:
Natural size 1.0 to 2.0 loose wet avalanches have been observed over the last few days. The thin layer of wet new snow on Wednesday morning was very easily triggered and ran until it hit low angle terrain, forming piles of saturated debris. Cornices have been fragile when tested and will remain that way until conditions change significantly.
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