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楼主: 小C

夏去秋來金松現,離加赴美山中居(9月30~10月5 Cathedral Lake背包)

 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-13 17:40:53 | 显示全部楼层
如閣下持有Novice牌(Class 7), 除非在一名年滿25歲持有Class 1 - 5的人仕陪同, 否則只可接載一名乘客, 也一定是掛上"N"字標誌。請參閱ICBC網站

Carpool費用以加元計算, 建議:
汽油費用總和 + 過橋費 + 泊車費 ÷ 乘客人數



車窗被碎石砸裂則保險以外須由車主負擔的費用由車上各人分攤, 即deductible (通常$300) 或填補裂縫(約$100)的費用。

在行車期間, 撞到動物, 車身損毀, 則保險以外須由車主負擔的費用由車上各人分攤, 即deductible (通常$300) 。


 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-13 17:44:31 | 显示全部楼层
墾請不要攜帶生肉, 熟肉, 蔬果進入美國。可以帶風乾水果, 蔬菜和罐頭。過了關, 把罐頭開罐, 用ziplock bag把肉裝起來(如果不怕變壞)。

如對可以帶甚麼食物進入美國有疑問, 可參閱以下官方綱站:
https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers ... he-u.s.-from-canada

十月一號早上時間緊迫, 不會在途中採購食物, 所有食物要在加拿大準備妥當。
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-13 18:18:39 | 显示全部楼层


gaitors / 護膝/ 二根登山杖(連baskets)
背包 / 防雨罩
帳篷 / 帳篷支架 / 睡袋 / 睡墊  
footprint 或雨布,鋪在帳篷下可以有效地防沙防潮
水瓶, 天氣轉涼,水袋的飲水管在低溫下可能會結冰
爐 / 汽 / 鍋 / 食具 / 杯子 / 點火器 / 防水火柴
淨水劑 water treatment



個人衛生品 / 刷牙用品 / 紙巾 / 洗面奶 / 潤膚霜
廁紙 & 洗手液
數個大號 / 中號保鮮袋
相機 / 頭燈 / 充足備用電池 / 存儲卡 / 充電寶
美金和加幣 $ $ $

需要二條繩子和二個濾水器, 有都帶上共用。

 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-13 18:23:05 | 显示全部楼层

早餐 - 4
午餐 - 5
晚餐 - 4

9月30號晚餐 - 1
10月1號早餐 - 1

9月30號在Motel過夜, 帶梳洗用品洗澡。
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-13 18:25:50 | 显示全部楼层

飲料 -
Instant coffee
Chinese tea bag
Hot chocolate

早餐 –
Oat meal
Instant noodles
Mashed potato
土豆粉是袋裝, 放入沸水內一煮即成

Power bar
Bread / Bagel
Peanut butter
Small canned food, such as ham....

晚餐 -
Kraft Minute Rice
Mountain House package food
Dried vegetable
Sun dried tomato
Japanese instant seaweed (海帶)

Snack –
Mixed nuts
Candy / chocolate
Dried fruit

***煮食時加少許鹽, 補充鹽份.***
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-13 18:29:49 | 显示全部楼层
以下是我通常帶去backpacking的食糧, 讓大家參考, 在Superstore可買到。

在Superstore買到不含味精的Miso Soup

在Superstore買到不含味精的Miso Soup

Minute rice, mashed potato, tuna fish, "Knorr" vegetable湯包, 海帶(在T & T買)。

Minute rice, mashed potato, tuna fish, \

乾曬番茄 (在新鮮番茄部門附近可找到)

乾曬番茄 (在新鮮番茄部門附近可找到)
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-13 18:30:40 | 显示全部楼层
如果有dehydrator, 可自制水果乾 - 蘋果乾, 風梨乾, 香蕉乾....
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-13 18:44:33 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-9-14 22:28:38 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-9-15 08:54:11 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢小C, 久闻大名, 果真出手不凡! 如此有诗情画意的旅程! 非常向往, 但是条件不够:( 要加紧锻炼, 争取达标, 希望以后有机会参加.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-15 12:30:37 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢小C, 久闻大名, 果真出手不凡! 如此有诗情画意的旅程! 非常向往, 但是条件不够:( 要加紧锻炼, 争取达标, 希望以后有机会参加.

我比較少參加day hikes, 但知道在露露不遺餘力地推廣户外活動的樂趣下,已結集了一幫新人/牛人輩出,我的宗旨是看美景,我可以做到的,其他人都應該輕而易舉,繼續努力!
回复 支持 0 反对 1

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-17 10:23:42 | 显示全部楼层
到Pasayten ChewuchTrailhead路途遙遠,  我們會走 Hwy 1 -->  Hwy 3, --> Osoyoos--> Loomis--> Toats Coulee Road  

從溫可華到Osoyoos要4.5小時, 從Motel開到Toats Coulee Road, 入Forest Service Road到Chewuch Trailhead也要1.45小時。

10月1號週六早上6:30am離開Motel過關, 估計最快8:30am才可開步。時間緊迫, 不會在路上停留買東西, 請在加拿大帶齊所需要物品及把車加滿由。

墾請不要攜帶生肉, 熟肉, 蔬果在車上。可以帶風乾水果, 蔬菜和罐頭。過了關, 把罐頭開罐, 用ziplock bag把肉裝起來(如果不怕變壞)。

如對可以帶甚麼食物進入美國有疑問, 可參閱以下官方綱站:
https://help.cbp.gov/app/answers ... he-u.s.-from-canada

回程可能由Nighthawk - Chopaka回加拿大, 這個Border很小, 開放時間9:00am  to  5:00pm, 不辦理任何簽證,  請確定自已有齊有效的旅遊証件。護照(加拿大護照除外)最少有效期六個月, 即不能早過2017年4月5號到期。

Oroville Border
Osoyoos Border
Nighthawk-Chopaka Border
Chopaka Border
Osoyoos_Chewuch TH_Nighthawk_Page_3.jpg
Osoyoos_Chewuch TH_Nighthawk_Page_2.jpg
Osoyoos_Chewuch TH_Nighthawk_Page_1.jpg

Osoyoos_Chewuch TH_Nighthawk.pdf

286.51 KB, 下载次数: 129

 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-17 13:51:57 | 显示全部楼层

http://www.wta.org/go-hiking/tri ... 16-09-13.4163869159

Day 1 - We (two of us) hiked from the Thirtymile trailhead to the horse camp just before intersection of the Chewuch River Trail and Tungsten Trail for a total of just over 8 miles. The first five miles are in an area that has been devastated by wildfires. Nonetheless, it is quite beautiful and the trail is fairly easy-going/in great shape. The burned area gives way to a typical east-slopes pine forest as we got closer to camp. There is plenty of room at the horse camp and the Chewuch River flows right by camp making water access easy. We shared it with three other groups of 2-3 each (2 starting their trips, 1 heading out).

Day 2 - The original plan was to hike to Remmel Lake for night two, set up camp, then do a short hike to check out the old cabin at Spanish Camp. Once we were moving, we felt good, and decided to push all the way to Upper Cathedral Lake and do a longer day hike on day 3 to Spanish Camp without heavy packs. The trail is in good shape. Once we got near Remmel Lake, we became a little confused since we have the older Green Trails Map for the area. According to the WTA trail guide, the Green Trails map was just updated so be sure to check which version you have. We met some forest service guys on day 3, and took a picture of their up-to-date map of the area (see picture below). This should be helpful to you if you make this trek soon. Even though we were a little confused by the trails, we didn't have a problem staying on track to Upper Cathedral Lake. The trails are well-signed. We actually never saw Remmel Lake though. The pine forest gives way to a more moist sub-alpine forest as you climb higher towards Remmel. Then above Remmel you arrive to a truly spectacular tundra-like alpine setting. The trail stayed this way until we neared the cliffs and larch-covered sloped of Amphitheater Mountain. A couple guys bagging peaks in the area were packing up at Upper Cathedral Lake and pointed us to the best campsite near the middle part of the shore. We set up camp and settle into our home for two nights. There weren't more than a couple other groups at the lake each night and it is big enough that we never really noticed them. It definitely was a lot colder at Upper Cathedral than it was the night before at the horse camp. I'd guess it got into the mid-30s and it rained some on us. We did about 12 miles on day 2.

Day 3 - We decided to do some exploring on day 3 with just a light daypack. We hiked down to Lower Cathedral Lake, then continued on what we still thought was the boundary trail around to Spanish Camp. I now realize the trail we took is marked as trail 545 on the USGS maps and is not shown after Lower Cathedral on the map picture below. It is marked as 533 on the old Green Trails map. It was an enjoyable, peaceful hike and we did not see another soul until Spanish Camp. The trail was hard to follow at times and had a number of blowdowns and swampy section. We met a couple of guys with the forest service doing trail work at Spanish Camp. Spanish Camp is a cool little cabin and it had a nice outhouse as well! We continued on the actual Boundary Trail (much better shape) back to our camp at Upper Cathedral for a total of about 8 miles.

Day 4 - Night 3 was the coldest night and we awoke to a dusting of fresh now on the cliffs just above Cathedral Lake. We got an early start since it was so cold and we had about 12 miles ahead of us back to the horse camp. As we were leaving the lake towards Cathedral Pass we spotted a black bear and her cub just off the trail above us. They quickly noticed us and the cub ran away out of site. We observed from a distance and the mama bear kept her eye on us. We decided the trail went to close to her for comfort, so we cut the trail a little up to the pass to keep our distance. It was very windy at the pass with snow flurries. Once we descended on the other side, the wind died down. This was one of our favorite parts of the hike. The larch-covered slopes were beautiful with the cliffs of Amphitheater and Cathedral looming over us. I can only imagine how beautiful this area is once the Larch trees have turned more. The 5 or so miles to Tungsten Mine went by fairly quickly. Tungsten mine is a cool place and we met a couple of Boundary Trail thru-hikers there who had spent the night in the upper cabin the night before. The Tungsten Trail was not hard to find. It was a little swampy in some sections within the first 1-2 miles, then it was pretty easy going and went by quickly to the horse camp. One other group of 3 stayed at the camp this night as well. They had done the same loop we did, but camped at Remmel Lake on night 2, so it was fun to catch up with them. Also, we were starting to miss people at this point since we had seen so few on our trip.

Day 5 - we repeated day 1 in reverse and were back in Winthrop to enjoy some burgers and beer at the Old Schoolhouse Brewery by early afternoon.

Awesome loop! Highly recommended!
 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-17 13:58:39 | 显示全部楼层
從6600呎Remmel junction到7300呎請參照圖一紅線, 圖二Green Trails Map這段trail已過時不準。




 楼主| 发表于 2016-9-17 14:06:15 | 显示全部楼层
作者從Thirtymiles Trailhead開走, 往返比我們多走6哩。
順時針方向走棒棒糖圈圈, 跟我們的計劃一樣。
第一天在Horse Camp扎營 (4700呎, Chewuch 和 Tungsten 岔口)
第二天到Cathedral Lake
第四天離開Cathedral Lake,也在Horse Camp扎營
第五天回到Thirtymiles TH.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-10-5 11:56:18 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-10-5 11:58:01 | 显示全部楼层

welcome back! :cool!:  :hx:  :pics:
发表于 2016-10-5 13:45:22 | 显示全部楼层


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