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楼主: wang3yi

mount roboson hiking(更新行前身体准备,注意事项 和装备清单)(请大家回帖注明有什莫公

发表于 2008-7-13 22:18:58 | 显示全部楼层
What I have to be shared with others:
a pair of walkie-talkie, water filter, stove, 2-person tarp and a 2-person tent :wink:
发表于 2008-7-14 15:10:08 | 显示全部楼层
I also have a tiny one litre pot, a national park annual pass and a 20 litre water bag (but bulky).
发表于 2008-7-14 15:42:56 | 显示全部楼层

折叠的烧烤用的fork (telescopic roasting fork)
折叠的collapsible water container, 3.4L (BPA free)
发表于 2008-7-16 18:52:18 | 显示全部楼层

一个双人帐篷, 一个pepper spray, 一对walkie talkie (long range),一个TARP(For 2 Person), 一个GPS,一个20L的水箱
发表于 2008-7-16 23:58:19 | 显示全部楼层
我可以公用的装备:Multi-fuel炉子,一个TARP(For 2 Person), 一个GPS,一个20L的水箱,75ft绳索。
发表于 2008-7-20 17:45:49 | 显示全部楼层


个人感觉GPS和walkie Talkie用处都不大,GPS在开车途中也许有用,在这种trail上基本无用。walkie Talkie无非是为了防止队伍过长有闪失,有一对足矣,其实在山里很多地方信号很不好。以上请大家参考。

 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-21 19:48:32 | 显示全部楼层


个人感觉GPS和walkie Talkie用处都不大,GPS在开车途中也许有用,在这种trail上基本无用。walkie Talkie无非是为了防止队伍过长有闪失,有一对足矣,其实在山里很多地方信号很不好。以上请大家参考。


mount robson 和 skyline 都是非常popular的trail, 标识都非常明显, GPS 用处的确不太大,但是可以留下记录。

我们队伍有10个人,可能得编成两组, 同时我也想测试一下最新的walkie talkie 的性能。 我新买了cobra的li7200, 标称可以45公里, 在多伦多downtown测试了一下,实际只有1公里左右。

但是别人在山里的评测非常好,没有阻碍大约可以32英里(50公里左右), 中间隔着两座山大约7.8英里(12公里)。

还有crossna的 chanel 6/code 6, 加密的code 6 指的是 CTCSS 还是 DCS code?  

First long distance test. 32 miles. Unobstructed view. engaged 2 units of Cobra 7200, GMRS Ch. 20, Hi output setting. Unobstructed view. Me: Colorado, 8,800 feet above sea level. Second Party: Atop Mt. Evans, Colorado, 14,260 ft. above sea level. Quality of communication: fair to fair+

Second Test Results:
Date: Saturday June 14, 2008
GMRS Hi Setting.
Squelch: ON
Linear Distance: 7.8 miles (Google Earth determination)
Location: Rocky Mountains, Colorado
Unit One Location Altitude: 9200 ft. above sea level.
Unit Two Location Altitude: 8500 ft above sea level

Three intervening ridge lines approx 9400 feet above sea level, spaced two miles apart on average. Both units were operating behind and below these ridge lines. The land in between mostly tall pine forest.

Communication Quality: fair, continuous.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-21 21:34:15 | 显示全部楼层
上传了<don't waste time in Canadian Rokies> 和 < Canadian Rocky trail guide>当中对trail的介绍。

发表于 2008-7-21 21:41:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-7-22 15:43:46 | 显示全部楼层

Re: mount roboson hiking(更新行前身体准备,注意事项 和装备清单)(请大家回帖注明有什

衣服:雨衣,短袖(推荐速干), 短裤, 长袖 (sun protection),长裤, 遮阳帽,袜子(全棉的厚袜子),内衣裤, 防寒服(或冲锋衣),Sandals, 护膝 (保护膝盖,推荐使用)。

发表于 2008-7-22 18:58:13 | 显示全部楼层

Re: mount roboson hiking(更新行前身体准备,注意事项 和装备清单)(请大家回帖注明有什

衣服:雨衣,短袖(推荐速干), 短裤, 长袖 (sun protection),长裤, 遮阳帽,袜子(全棉的厚袜子),内衣裤, 防寒服(或冲锋衣),Sandals, 护膝 (保护膝盖,推荐使用)。


Beside my water resistance overcoat, I will bring a fleece. Night time and early morning, temp. can drop to below 10C, especially in Skyline, our two camp site are both 2000+ above sea level, It will be colder. :?
发表于 2008-7-22 21:21:15 | 显示全部楼层
我有一顶双人帐篷 (夏季),炉子,套锅,1.8mx1.8m tarp一个,gps.
发表于 2008-7-23 14:42:20 | 显示全部楼层
a friendly reminder

Berg Lake trail is on the leeward side of the mountain, trapping moisture from the west. Weather is unpredictable. Shower is not uncommon. Prepare for the wet. Raincoat for yourself and your backpack should be always handy. I will put my sleeping bag and extra clothing in a hydroseal compressed bag, a large garbage bag as liner of my backpack before stuffed it.

Skyline is much dryer but colder, two third of the trail is above treeline. Most of the time we are rambling on the exposed ridge. I will prepare warmer and wind proof clothing. I will bring a fleece beanie and glove which is light and small. Don the top is the easiest way to prevent heat lost. My sleeping bag is sub-zero. :roll:

How is everybody doing, any tips for packing to share with others
发表于 2008-7-23 15:08:01 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks Daisy for sharing this with us.
发表于 2008-7-30 18:51:58 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2008-8-3 00:59:20 | 显示全部楼层
vancouver分队已平安到家。 :lol:
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-3 06:15:41 | 显示全部楼层
edmonton/toronto 分队已平安到家too
发表于 2008-8-3 21:40:36 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢爱德蒙顿人们, 谢谢温哥华人民.........让我醉瘾于山水时间......

今天因为没有BACKPACK 20KM , 全身无劲.......  :wink: 改天见了.
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