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2011年6月中旬秘鲁Huayhuash Circuit徒步

发表于 2010-12-21 21:45:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

【活动时间】: 2011年6月中旬到7月初,两周左右的时间

【活动地点】: 秘鲁安第斯山脉的Huayhuash Circuit


秘鲁Huayhuash山系是安第斯山脉的一部分,这里有秘鲁的第二高峰Yerupaja。登山界著名的Joe Simpson的《Touching the Void》的故事就发生在这里。Huayhuash Circuit围绕Huayhuash山转一圈,全程基本上在海拔4000米以上,经过8个海拔4000-5000的高山垭口,一连串的翡翠碧绿的湖,一路上有壁立千仞的高峰相伴,下有土著居民的羊群。Huayhuash Circuit是世界上经典的徒步目的地之一。

更多的Huayhuash Circuit信息和图片:


【活动方式】: 跟trekking operator,全程住帐篷。Trekking operator提供帐篷、马匹和食物。

【费用估计】: 争取<US$2,500 (包括机票、车票和trekking operator的团票)。


D1: 乘公汽从Lima到Huaraz (海拔3200米)
D2: Huaraz休息一天适应高海拔
D3: 从Huaraz乘车到Llamac (海拔3300米),露营
D4: 徒步开始,从Llamac到Quartelhuain (海拔4200米),6小时左右徒步时间
D5:Quartelhuain-Punta Cacanan pass (4700m) - lake Laguna Mitucocha (4220m),6小时左右徒步时间
D6: Lake Laguna Mitucocha - Paso de Carhuac pass (4650m) - lake Laguna Carhuacocha (4150m),6小时左右徒步时间
D7:Laguna Carhuacocha - Carnicero pass (4600m) - Lake Laguna Carnicero (4300), 5-6小时左右徒步时间
D8: Lake Laguna Carnicero - Portachuelo de Huayhuash pass (4750m) - lake Laguna Viconga (4480米),6.5小时左右徒步时间,此处可以洗温泉
D9: lake Laguna Viconga - Punta Cuyoc (5000m) - Quebrada Huanacpatay valley (4300m),6小时左右徒步时间
D10: Quebrada Huanacpatay valley - Huatiac (4350m),7小时左右徒步时间
D11: Huatiac - Punta Tapush pass (4750m) - Punta Yaucha pass (4800m) - Lake Laguna Jahuacocha (4150m), 8小时左右徒步时间
D12: Lake Laguna Jahuacocha修整一天+
D13: Lake Laguna Jahuacocha - Pampa Llamac pass (4300m) - Llamac,然后乘车回到Huaraz
D14: Huaraz乘车到Lima

× 行程没有包括Calgary到Lima的飞行时间。
+ 修整的一天也可以安排在lake Laguna Carhuacocha (D6),但D11很累而且Lake Laguna Jahuacoch湖是环线上最漂亮的湖。



【装备要求】: 以后在小组里发

【活动声明】: 户外活动有风险,参加者责任自负。
发表于 2010-12-21 22:09:55 | 显示全部楼层
有興趣, 關注中, 但要跟同伴們商量一下。
发表于 2010-12-21 22:23:41 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-21 23:43:52 | 显示全部楼层

可否有確實日期, 以便取假期
发表于 2010-12-22 12:26:40 | 显示全部楼层

我們溫哥華這邊有幾個朋友都有興趣, 可否確定日期以便申請假期。
我們都有戶外野營經驗, 可以吃苦, 樂於分工合作, 有團隊精神。

 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-22 12:47:24 | 显示全部楼层

我們溫哥華這邊有幾個朋友都有興趣, 可否確定日期以便申請假期。
我們都有戶外野營經驗, 可以吃苦, 樂於分工合作, 有團隊精神。





 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-22 12:54:11 | 显示全部楼层
这是我今年8月份得到的Peruvian Andes Adventures(位于Huaraz)的答复。有7位的话就可以便宜不少(根据2010年的报价);我们也可以参加他们的混合group,但可能出发日期不确定。


Here is our high season price which is the period May until end September.

This is the 2010 price.
We will not be setting 2011 price until around the end of November. This is the time when guides and other staff decide their prices for the next season.

*Cordillera Huayhuash Trek 12 Days:
1 person: $220 per day x 12 days = US$2640
2 people: $140 each per day x 12 days = US$1680 each
3 people: $123 each per day x 12 days = US$1476 each
4 people: $112 each per day x 12 days = US$1344 each  ********
5 people: $102 each per day x 12 days = US$1224 each
6 people: $95 each per day x 12 days = US$1140 each
7 people: $90 each per day x 12 days = US$1080 each
8 people: $84 each per day x 12 days = US$1008 each
Plus: English speaking guide (if wanted) U$120 total

If you would like to join with other people, we can advertise your treks dates on our website and there may be others who would like to join with you. We can co-ordinate between you to form a group.

When we join people together to form a group, our normal maximum group size is 6 to 8 people.

You are also welcome to request a SMALLER GROUP

We are also very happy to organise a PRIVATE TREK for you for any group size

*If you join a group, the trek price per person is based on the final number of people who confirm and make full payment for the trek

Do you speak any Spanish and would you like an English speaking guide? English speaking guides charge a premium for their service of $10 per day extra total. This is because there are not many good English speaking guides, they are in high demand and it is expensive for them to study the language.
The extra cost is shared between the members of the group.

Alternatively, we have some excellent guides who speak just some basic English words and phrases. If you speak a little Spanish you may enjoy the great company of one of these  guides. There is no extra charge for them.

Day Hikes for acclimatisation
Any hire of gear

Prices are in US$

Qualified  & licensed trek & climbing Guide
Assistants for larger groups plus experienced climbing porters to assist with the climbs
Donkeys and donkey drivers
Rescue horse
Meals (breakfast, all snacks, lunch, afternoon tea, large dinner) during the trek
Tents (personal tent, dining tent with table and chairs, kitchen tent and toilet tent)
Single tents available on request
Closed cell foam mattress
First Aid Kit
Information Pack
All cooking equipment, plates, cups, utensils etc.
Private  trek transport in a well maintained vehicle
*Huayhuash community fees US$60 per person

Hotels (Lima and Huaraz)
Meals and drinks in the city
Sleeping bags & thermorest mattress (available for hire in Huaraz & we can organise for you)
Transfer from Lima : Huaraz : Lima
Guide & transport for acclimatization walks extra.
Repatriation back to Huaraz if departing trek early
Extra hotel nights due to program changes
Cost associated with Confirmation of flights
Cost associated Tracking lost luggage with airlines
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-22 12:59:49 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-22 13:54:53 | 显示全部楼层

我們這邊有興趣的是Daisy, Alex, G MM和我。我們的假期在十一月已批出了, 如要參加這活動, 要重新申請, 當然愈早愈好。

基於我的工作性質, 我比較喜歡六月中旬後至七月底。因路途遙遠, 我想連搭飛機, 前後也需要20天吧。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-22 21:01:00 | 显示全部楼层

我們這邊有興趣的是Daisy, Alex, G MM和我。我們的假期在十一月已批出了, 如要參加這活動, 要重新申請, 當然愈早愈好。

基於我的工作性質, 我比較喜歡六月中旬後至七月底。因路途遙遠, 我想連搭飛機, 前後也需要20天吧。

20天应该是用不着的,Lima-trekking-Lima 14天,飞机顺利的话2天来回,总共16天。不顺最坏的情况是2天单程,4天来回,总共18天。赶时间的话可以考虑Lima到Huaraz和返程坐夜车(当然要飞机的航班配合)。


[Tim 12月23日补充]:当然,如果那位朋友的假期比较多,或担心自己高反,我还是鼓励您在Huaraz多花一点时间。您可以先到Huaraz多休息1到2天让自己的身体充分适应高海拔。另一方面,Huaraz是一个trekking/climbing的中心,您也可以在trekking完后到附近的另一个经典的trekking目的地Cordillara Blanc徒步。更好一些,你可以找一座6000米以上的雪山(可以是初级或中级的)去爬,相信经过了Huayhuash Circuit的徒步后,您的身体已经充分地适应了高海拔了。
发表于 2010-12-22 23:21:02 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-12-22 23:58:07 | 显示全部楼层

我們這邊有興趣的是Daisy, Alex, G MM和我。我們的假期在十一月已批出了, 如要參加這活動, 要重新申請, 當然愈早愈好。

基於我的工作性質, 我比較喜歡六月中旬後至七月底。因路途遙遠, 我想連搭飛機, 前後也需要20天吧。

20天应该是用不着的,Lima-trekking-Lima 14天,飞机顺利的话2天来回,总共16天。不顺最坏的情况是2天单程,4天来回,总共18天。赶时间的话可以考虑Lima到Huaraz和返程坐夜车(当然要飞机的航班配合)。

好的, 過完聖旦新年後, 一月四號就向Boss申請六月十八號以後的假期。
发表于 2010-12-23 00:55:42 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2010-12-23 06:58:12 | 显示全部楼层
如果6月30日以后走, 可以算我一个。 温哥华出发。
发表于 2010-12-23 07:23:48 | 显示全部楼层
明天上班, 務必好好工作, 尋求表現, 博取六月十八日後放假 8)  :roll:
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-23 12:59:31 | 显示全部楼层


如果你愿意,你可以跟我联系一下,我的电子邮件是 tbkuang at gmail。com。我的电话请检查你的PM。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-23 13:14:38 | 显示全部楼层

http://www.davestravelcorner.com ... kking-companies.htm[url]

“ Note: anytime you make a reservation online using the Internet, you are bound to find out the cost is much higher than if you were to reserve in person at one of their offices. There are a plethora of agencies in town and we encourage you to talk to several regarding pricing and availability. Also note that most of the trekking agencies only accept cash.“

我写信问这个网站的主人Dave一般要高多少,他说要高20%-30%左右。我们看看拿到的报价是多少,如果觉得可以接受就提前预定。如果觉得太高,也许可以考虑到了Huaraz再定treking company。但我们的人数比较多,可能需要提前两天去Huaraz,好让trekking company有一点准备时间。我的原计划是在Huaraz安排1天的休息时间以适应高海拔。一般的guide书都建议2、3天,这样倒是跟guide书一致了。


 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-23 13:15:04 | 显示全部楼层

http://www.davestravelcorner.com ... kking-companies.htm

“ Note: anytime you make a reservation online using the Internet, you are bound to find out the cost is much higher than if you were to reserve in person at one of their offices. There are a plethora of agencies in town and we encourage you to talk to several regarding pricing and availability. Also note that most of the trekking agencies only accept cash.“

我写信问这个网站的主人Dave一般要高多少,他说要高20%-30%左右。我们看看拿到的报价是多少,如果觉得可以接受就提前预定。如果觉得太高,也许可以考虑到了Huaraz再定treking company。但我们的人数比较多,可能需要提前两天去Huaraz,好让trekking company有一点准备时间。我的原计划是在Huaraz安排1天的休息时间以适应高海拔。一般的guide书都建议2、3天,这样倒是跟guide书一致了。


 楼主| 发表于 2010-12-23 22:14:43 | 显示全部楼层
Peruvian Andes Adventures 2011年的报价出来了,比2010年涨了:

An 11 day trek program from Llamac to Llamac as you have outlined will work well.

Below is our updated 2011 information

* Description 11 Day Cordillera Huayhuash Trek (You would do option two Llamac to Llamac)
* Typical Trekking Menus
* Suggested Gear List

Below are some general information and trek prices:

Trek grading and walking times are average only for people of average to good fitness and who are well acclimatised to the altitude.
Some people hike much faster, and others much slower.  The effects of altitude do make the hiking much harder than a similar trek closer to sea level and the effects of altitude vary from person to person.  This is a demanding trek with continuous hiking, all the time at high altitude. You need to have above average fitness and be able to climb a sustained uphill for 2 to 3 hours and manage long descents from the passes on sometimes loose ground without distress, and be comfortable sleeping in tents in sometimes cold conditions for several days to enjoy this trek..

The Huayhuash trek is demanding on the body because you are the whole time above 4000m and you go up to high altitudes quickly after you depart from Huaraz  It is important to be well acclimatised to avoid possible altitude related illness. We do recommend that for this trek that  you arrive in Huaraz at least 3 full days before the trek departs to help you become acclimatised to the altitude. It is advisable to have three full days in Huaraz to recover from your travel from Lima and to take day hikes to higher altitude to help with acclimatisation before departing for the trek. We can organise day hikes for you.
(Note: it is especially important to already be well acclimatised if you choose the option to start your trek from Quartelhuain  (4200m)  instead of al Llamac (3300m)

You will be accompanied by a qualified & licensed trekking guide, a cook, a donkey driver and donkeys, and assistants for larger groups.
Donkeys carry your main luggage and all the food, tents and equipment. You only carry a day pack with raincoat, warm jacket, hat and gloves, water bottle, snack, camera, sunscreen etc.

We will organise an independent trek for you for any dates that suit your travel plans.

If you would like to join with other people, we can advertise your treks dates on our website and there may be others who would like to join with you. We can co-ordinate between you to form a group.

When we join people together to forma group, our normal maximum group size is 6 to 8 people.

You are also welcome to request a SMALLER GROUP

We are also very happy to organise a PRIVATE TREK for you for any group size

Our prices for 2011 peak season (May to September)  are:

*Huayhuash Trek 11 Days START AT LLAMAC:
1 person: $225 per day x 11 days = US$2475
2 people: $149 each per day x 11 days = US$1639 each
3 people: $129 each per day x 11 days = US$1419 each
4 people: $115 each per day x 11 days = US$1265 each
5 people: $105 each per day x 11 days = US$1155 each
6 people: $100 each per day x 11 days = US$1100 each
7 people: $95 each per day x 11 days = US$1045 each
8 people: $88 each per day x 11 days = US$968 each
Plus: English speaking guide (if wanted) U$110 total

*If you join a group, the trek price per person is based on the final number of people who confirm and make full payment for the trek

Do you speak any Spanish and would you like an English speaking guide? English speaking guides charge a premium for their service of $10 per day extra total. This is because there are not many good English speaking guides, they are in high demand and it is expensive for them to study the language.
The extra cost is shared between the members of the group.

Alternatively, we have some excellent guides who speak just some basic English words and phrases. If you speak a little Spanish you may enjoy the great company of one of these  guides. There is no extra charge for them.

Day Hikes for acclimatisation
Any hire of gear

Prices are in US$

*Peruvian Andes Adventures is an official  Registered Tourist Agency (Ancash region). Copy of registration certificate is on the trek description

OUR COMMITMENT TO CLIENTS is to provide a caring, friendly, professional and above all SAFE trekking and climbing service at a fair price. We specialise in providing exceptional personalised individual service to all our clients with attention to detail and emphasis on quality in all aspects :  professional guides and crew, food, equipment, safety, information and logistics.

Demonstrating our commitment to quality, Peruvian Andes Adventures is proud to be one of only two companies in the Ancash Region to be ISO 9001:2008 International Quality Standards Certified

We provide a complete catered and guided service of the highest quality. We have many years experience organizing and guiding groups in the Cordillera Blanca and Cordillera Huayhuash and only employ quality & responsible staff who you can trust.

All the guides we use are licensed by the House of Guides and cooks, porters and donkey drivers are accredited by their own respective associations. We do not employ unlicensed or unaccredited guides and staff.

We  are a professional agency, and take care for our environment when we are working with groups. We only use gas for cooking, no fires, remove all our rubbish and waste, use a toilet tent and bury toilet waste.

We only use fresh food - vegetables, fruit, chicken and meat and great care is taken with hygiene in order to minimise the risk of illnesses.

We also cater for vegetarian food and special diets.

Tents are top quality international brands in good condition

Private single tents are available for single clients

Our guides are trained in mountain first aid and carry a full first aid kit.

Each year prior to the commencement of the trekking season, we have training days and instruction for our key guides, cooks and assistants to ensure quality of client service.

We reinvest profits each year into upgrading our tents and equipment to ensure maximum client comfort and safety.

We operate trek with a high staff to client ratio to ensure top quality service and also to enable us to safely evacuate any injured or ill client back to Huaraz with one of our staff in the shortest possible time, without affecting the trekking enjoyment of the other clients in the group.

There will be a rescue horse along with all the trek groups, whatever the size of the group. For smaller groups (one or two people) the horse will carry equipment along with the donkeys, but will be available to ride for any client who becomes unwell or is injured. For three or more clients there is a special rescue horse.

When selecting your agency in Huaraz it is important to check:
*The agency is an official registered agency
*Guides are licensed

Qualified  & licensed Guide
Assistants for larger groups
Donkeys and donkey drivers
Rescue horse
Meals (breakfast, all snacks, lunch, afternoon tea, large dinner) during the trek
Tents (personal tent, dining tent with table and chairs, kitchen tent and toilet tent)
Single tents available on request
Closed cell foam mattress
First Aid Kit
Information Pack
All cooking equipment, plates, cups, utensils etc.
Private  trek transport in a well maintained vehicle
*Huayhuash community fees US$60 per person

Hotels (Lima and Huaraz)
Meals and drinks in the city
Sleeping bags & thermorest mattress (available for hire in Huaraz & we can organise for you)
Transfer from Lima : Huaraz : Lima
Guide & transport for acclimatization walks extra.
Repatriation back to Huaraz if departing trek early
Extra hotel nights due to program changes
Cost associated with Confirmation of flights
Cost associated Tracking lost luggage with airlines

We can also book:
*hotels in Lima and Huaraz
*bus tickets and flight tickets Lima : Huaraz : Lima
*private transfers in Lima
*Cusco & Machu Picchu extension
if you need help with these.

We hope that this information helps.
We look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Best wishes and HAPPY CHRISTMAS
发表于 2010-12-24 15:38:48 | 显示全部楼层
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