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楼主: 天藍蓝

Running--Sunday morning 8:30 am (07/20/2014) at Burnaby Lake

发表于 2013-9-3 17:20:48 | 显示全部楼层
Hello, Fufu,
我深有同感,跑步的确是比较枯燥的运动, 如果可以有队友们在身边边跑边聊天,实在是一件快乐的事. 想问一下,你一般晚上跑步的时间是几点, 我们可以试着during weekdays召集一下夜跑.


 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-3 21:48:05 | 显示全部楼层
Hello, Fufu,
对不起, 我想9:30是有点晚. 可是如果明年夏天我们的慢跑队伍还在, 我们可以试着组织一次温哥华慢跑爱好者家庭日,欢迎大家带家属一起来. 会特别欢迎你们一家的参与.到时候大家在一起可以热闹热闹,也顺便相互分享和鼓励一下.这件事情是否可以做到现在完全不知道, but I will keep it in mind.

发表于 2013-9-3 22:54:55 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-5 12:09:01 | 显示全部楼层
好, 期待你的加入!
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-6 23:01:23 | 显示全部楼层
Running on September 8, 2013 (Sunday morning)

Meeting Place: Burnaby lake ( parking lot behind Bill copeland center), Burnaby

Meeting time: 9 Am

Running distance: 10km

Weather condition: Likely sunny!

Please feel free to join us!

Lulu 明天会参加 14KM 的跑步活动,让我们一起为她和她的朋友加油吧! 等你回来!

我一直很羡慕那些肯为自己喜欢的地方而有勇气出发而且不怕辛苦的人. 我想人和自然风景之间的交流有时候是无法用言语来表达的. 那种感觉就像是千百年的约定, 看到彼此的那一刻, 你懂了风景, 风景也懂了你.




(对不起,我没能去成backpacking, 只好临时赶紧写上几句, 没能想好接着怎么写,我们就来个未完待续吧)
发表于 2013-9-7 14:55:47 | 显示全部楼层
参加。  明天到29街天车站等你,我什么时候到合适?
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-7 19:07:49 | 显示全部楼层
好, White snow, 我们明天大约8:10 在 29th Ave skytrain 见.
发表于 2013-9-7 19:28:24 | 显示全部楼层

明天麓山也来跑,她直接到Burnaby Lake 停车场.
发表于 2013-9-9 17:04:16 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks everyone for your support! Mary & I did 14km coho run this past Sunday and enjoyed. I was ~10 mins slower than last year. Ld reminded me the night before that you took it easy this time as you haven't run seriously and regularly for quite a while. TRUE! So my goal was simple ---running without stopping.
I didn't do carb loading this time, just leftover dimsum which didn't help very much but I did better than a lots runners when running uphill using the muscles built by hiking :wink:

Many thanks to Mary for accompanying me and supporting me!

I want to invite our running friends to watch GG run this Sunday with us and we can run together afterwards :lol:

http://www.grousemountain.com/ev ... rind-challenge-2013
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-11 07:15:34 | 显示全部楼层
Hello, Lulu,
Please excuse me for the late reply. School is starting and I haven’t had much time to check on the website often.  Anyway, Congrats! You have done an amazing job in running since you started last year and please keep your good work! Also, thank you very much for your invitation. I think this is a great idea to try to gather our running folks together. Although I will not be able to join you this time, I hope that I will be able to make it next time.

Hello, group,
Thanks for coming last Sunday. I thought only three people would run but nine people showed up instead. What a nice surprise! Thanks for your participation and support! I was about to call out for a run for tomorrow night as we discussed last time, but my professor just informed us that she wants to have an online group discussion tomorrow night. Now, I have to call out for a run for this evening  instead of tomorrow. Sorry for the short notice but hope some of you still can make it. See you soon!

Running on September 11, 2013  

Meeting Place: Burnaby lake ( parking lot behind Bill copeland center), Burnaby

Meeting time: 6:15 PM

Running distance: 10km

Anyone is welcome to join us!
发表于 2013-9-11 08:33:41 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Lulu,

We look nice! It was my longest run so far and I was very proud of myself that I did it. Thank you for the run and everything! I want to run another 14k with you in the near future. What was it that you mentioned, the UBC something. Do they have a 14K?

Keep running and happy running, everyone!

 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-12 21:40:31 | 显示全部楼层
Hello, 队友们,
我因为有事情临时把我们上次说好的跑步的集合时间改到昨天. 今天让没有看到这个消息的你们担心了, 对不起. 下一次如果有跑步时间上的改动, 我除了在 网上公布之外, 会再text message 给你们. 请站内短信告知你的手机号码, 方便联系. 谢谢!

 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-13 22:22:18 | 显示全部楼层
Running on September 15, 2013 (Sunday morning)

Meeting Place: Burnaby lake ( parking lot behind Bill copeland center), Burnaby

Meeting time: 9 Am

Running distance: 11km

Weather condition: Likely sunny!

Please feel free to join us!
***户外活动会有风险,一切组织和活动均属自愿,如有意外, 责任自负***

我一直很羡慕那些肯为自己喜欢的地方有勇气出发而且不怕辛苦的人. 我想人和自然风景之间的交流有时候是无法用言语来表达的. 那种感觉就像是千百年的约定, 看到彼此的那一刻, 你懂了风景, 风景也懂了你. 那一年和单位的同事一起去云南旅游,本来是一大帮人在一起嘻嘻哈哈的走,不知道是什么原因, 结果变成我自己一个人在漫游。 也以为一路上随心而去,所看到的风景不会有什么不同. 可是就在一个转弯处,就那么毫无准备地看到了那一片树林。那么高的树,那么蓝的天,那么白的云,那么大的风,那么美的景。风起的时候,那些树就联成一片在阳光下哗啦啦的响着。风止的时候, 每一棵树就那么坚强而独立的站着. 那一刻, 我不能言语.

那些树都很高很直, 相信他们 已经在那里很多年了. 可是因为不在大路上,我想这些年曾经在他们身边停下来的人应该是少之又少吧. 如果不是因为因缘际合, 我也会错过他们吧.  可是你看那些树, 有人欣赏也好, 无人关注也罢, 他们还是长得那么的高, 那么的直, 那么的好. 去云南之前, 我总在心里抱怨, 觉得自己在工作上很努力,可是没有人真的在乎.  看到那一片风景的那一刻, 我明白了.人的一生, 很多时候是没有观众 的.  可以正直而努力的活着, 就是一种美丽.

今生, 我曾经来看过你





(新的学年已经开始了, 我知道我的时间不够用. 会尽量减少上网的时间, 也会将随笔改成不定期. 如果没有能够及时回复或者更新贴子, 请不要介意. 再次谢谢关注, 参与, 和支持这个慢跑活动的朋友们. 因为你们, 这个夏天过得阳光灿烂. )
发表于 2013-9-14 19:31:09 | 显示全部楼层
LanLan MM, see you tomorrow morning!
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-14 20:36:10 | 显示全部楼层
Yes, sister,see you tomorrow!

Good night!
发表于 2013-9-15 16:25:29 | 显示全部楼层
严重感谢蓝蓝MM今天一路陪伴鼓励我的nephew。他能跑完全程,一半的功劳属于你哈。 :aa10:
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-16 06:07:29 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, Sister, 你太客气了。你也一直都在他的身边啊. 队伍里的每个人都很重要。他可以坚持下来,我非常欣慰。谢谢一起慢跑的队友们!

原本答应队友召集这个星期四的傍晚慢跑,可是回家才发现这个星期四是中秋节,因为想在家陪母亲吃晚饭,我自己会提早点跑(4:15 pm开始)。 不能赶过来一起跑的队友们可以按照原定的6:15pm 分开跑。集合地点不变。有什么情况,欢迎电话或短信联系。对不起!

也想小声的问一句, 有人打算10月去Victoria 跑马拉松吗?方便的话, 一起走.  我想这个周末把住宿和交通定下来.

中秋节快乐, everyone!
发表于 2013-9-18 08:52:05 | 显示全部楼层
Hi Lulu,

We look nice! It was my longest run so far and I was very proud of myself that I did it. Thank you for the run and everything! I want to run another 14k with you in the near future. What was it that you mentioned, the UBC something. Do they have a 14K?

Keep running and happy running, everyone!


Thanks Mary, I'm looking for joining a nice running event this fall/winter with you all together. :lol:

BTW: Fall Classic in UBC only has HM and 10k
发表于 2013-9-18 08:55:22 | 显示全部楼层
归队! 这个周日(Sept,22)环湖跑,借蓝MM山上周的召集贴, 时间地点不变:lol:

Running on September 22, 2013 (Sunday morning)

Meeting Place: Burnaby lake ( parking lot behind Bill copeland center), Burnaby

Meeting time: 9 Am

Running distance: 11km

Please feel free to join us!
***户外活动会有风险,一切组织和活动均属自愿,如有意外, 责任自负***
 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-18 22:02:17 | 显示全部楼层
Hello, Lulu,
欢迎归队! 好!!! See you all on Sunday!

Good night!
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