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楼主: 天藍蓝

Running--Sunday morning 8:30 am (07/20/2014) at Burnaby Lake

 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-16 23:16:11 | 显示全部楼层


****False Creek Seawall
九公里多,靠近跑道的集合地点很方便---- Main Street Sky Train Station,  It`s a great route.

支持! FYI,Central Valley greenway seems like a nice running road as well.

 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-16 23:27:25 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 羡慕


so nice to hear from you again! 太好了! Well, we were lucky enough to have great weather in the last month,  but we also had to  run a couple of times in the rain. Winter is around the corner, but spring is also on its way!

Stay happy! Keep running!
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-16 23:40:26 | 显示全部楼层
Hi group,
Sunday will have rain, be prepared.  

人生的旅程高低交错,也永远无法预知风雨和阳光。起伏的路上,是什么样的力量可以让我们心中温暖? 风雨之中,又是什么样的信心可以让我们安然前行?清水的人生,你该给它染上怎样的色彩? 喧闹的世界,你又要如何的努力才能找回自己安稳的心?




感谢网友们的关注和支持!我想我都看到了,也知道了, 感动中.

风雨中,让我们在一起快乐慢跑吧! Everyone is welcome to join us!
发表于 2012-11-17 06:50:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-11-17 23:21:09 | 显示全部楼层

You will be running 22km Sunday,   我很为你感到骄傲。:aa51: :cb:  :aa5:    :b.cool:
发表于 2012-11-18 08:01:32 | 显示全部楼层
I am in UBC and will start @ 8:30,

Thanks for all your support! I might meet u guys this afternoon at the meeting place for a cup of coffee before or after, I'll contact u after I finish-:)
发表于 2012-11-18 13:21:56 | 显示全部楼层
I am in UBC and will start @ 8:30,

Thanks for all your support! I might meet u guys this afternoon at the meeting place for a cup of coffee before or after, I'll contact u after I finish-:)

Lu, 好樣的, 你做到了, so proud of you。 :aa10:  :b.cool:  :gd::favor:  
為了這杯咖啡,I've got to drag myself out to run.  see you in the coffee shop earlier at 2:30 pm.
发表于 2012-11-18 18:02:58 | 显示全部楼层
Thank you to my running mates! for all your support!! Let's run BMO half marathon together next May!

did Fall Classic half marathon with my colleague Valerie this morning, we ran together for 2 hour 10 mins without stop, I really enjoyed the run and feel great after the run!
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-19 00:20:56 | 显示全部楼层
多少梦想我们来不及实现,多少快乐我们没有机会分享,可是 LULU, 今天你都做到了,谢谢你的坚持和努力!

Count me in for the BMO half !
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-19 00:25:49 | 显示全部楼层

谢谢! 你总是让人觉得鼓励. 认识你, 真好!
发表于 2012-11-19 18:19:57 | 显示全部楼层
Congratulations on finishing your first Half Marathon!

Thank you to my running mates! for all your support!! Let's run BMO half marathon together next May!

did Fall Classic half marathon with my colleague Valerie this morning, we ran together for 2 hour 10 mins without stop, I really enjoyed the run and feel great after the run!
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-20 20:44:55 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, everyone,
we will have a small running group tomorrow afternoon, if you have time, please come and join us.

Meeting place: Brentwood skytrain

Meeting time: 5 pm  Wed on Nov 21, 2012

The distance: 8-12km

发表于 2012-11-22 14:46:18 | 显示全部楼层

本周六(十一月二十四日)的Central Park长跑(十公里左右的慢跑

本周六(十一月二十四日)的Central Park长跑(十公里左右的慢跑)召集如下:

集合地点:Patterson Skytrain Stationstation
集合时间: 本周六(十一月二十四日)10:45am

可以跑完了一起吃中饭 :wink:
发表于 2012-11-22 16:12:00 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 本周六(十一月二十四日)的Central Park长跑(十公里左右的慢跑

本周六(十一月二十四日)的Central Park长跑(十公里左右的慢跑)召集如下:

集合地点:Patterson Skytrain Stationstation
集合时间: 本周六(十一月二十四日)10:45am

可以跑完了一起吃中饭 :wink:

Can't make it Saturday, How about Friday after work hour? if not the Central Park, the False Creek Seawall is ok too.
 楼主| 发表于 2012-11-23 21:34:17 | 显示全部楼层

星光下灯火辉煌的城市里,阳光中安然沉静的角落旁,谁在在意你的坚持?谁又会为你点上回家的灯?人生的旅程中,多少的快乐就像儿时的歌谣在渐渐的远去?多少的喜悦也像风中的红叶在悄然的落下?谁会站在你的身边,谁又会轻握你的双手?谁会有信心将温暖传递? 谁又会轻声的说,让我们一起来努力?


快乐慢跑大本营的活动本来上个星期就应该结束了,因为比较忙碌,所以现在才有时间写下结束语。很感谢网友们这些天来对它的关注,支持和参与。 我也相信在某种意义来说它也其实刚刚开始。全力支持LULU的结伴同长跑的活动, 也希望有更多的朋友加入到我们的慢跑的队伍中来。

我相信文字是可以感染人的,力量是可以传染人的,在人生的交叉点上,让我们学习去认可他人,相信温暖的力量, 为梦想一起努力!

Run for love, trust and inspiration!

To the team: I went to see my physiotherapist later this afternoon and she said that I would not be able to run for at least three weeks due to the back injury because of my bike accident. It is a difficult decision but I think I will wait until I am fully recovered. Keep your good work and look forward to run with you guys in the near future!

ps. Something that I thought was very inspiring, like to share with you all  here:
http://www.ted.com/talks/steve_j ... before_you_die.html
发表于 2012-11-24 01:17:24 | 显示全部楼层

To the team: I went to see my physiotherapist later this afternoon and she said that I would not be able to run for at least three weeks due to the back injury because of my bike accident. It is a difficult decision but I think I will wait until I am fully recovered. Keep your good work and look forward to run with you guys in the near future!

Get Well Soon!! :yb:


星光下灯火辉煌的城市里,阳光中安然沉静的角落旁,谁在在意你的坚持?谁又会为你点上回家的灯?人生的旅程中,多少的快乐就像儿时的歌谣在渐渐的远去?多少的喜悦也像风中的红叶在悄然的落下?谁会站在你的身边,谁又会轻握你的双手?谁会有信心将温暖传递? 谁又会轻声的说,让我们一起来努力?


快乐慢跑大本营的活动本来上个星期就应该结束了,因为比较忙碌,所以现在才有时间写下结束语。很感谢网友们这些天来对它的关注,支持和参与。 我也相信在某种意义来说它也其实刚刚开始。全力支持LULU的结伴同长跑的活动, 也希望有更多的朋友加入到我们的慢跑的队伍中来。

我相信文字是可以感染人的,力量是可以传染人的,在人生的交叉点上,让我们学习去认可他人,相信温暖的力量, 为梦想一起努力!

Run for love, trust and inspiration!

ps. Something that I thought was very inspiring, like to share with you all  here:
http://www.ted.com/talks/steve_j ... before_you_die.html

天藍蓝, 露露, thank you for contributing to the team.  Running is always a challenge for me, running to a shop on black out sale is acceptable, but running for fun won’t last me 10 minutes.  Before, running a Stanley Park loop was only a wish, but I did it last week with you guys -Thanks Jim for coaching, without you, I couldn’t have made it the Stanley Park loop without stopping.  Thanks 快乐慢跑大本营’s team mates, your encouragement lead me to the completion of about 70 km over 3 week.  You are absolutely awesome!

跑步,讓我想起了阿甘...In the movie, Forrest Gum found loneliness leads him to take a run "for no particular reason." At first, he decides to run to the end of the road, then across town, then across the county, then all the way to the Mississippi border. Eventually, he criss-crosses the country several times over a span of three years.   Forest’s run "for no particular reason" inspired what would become the jogging craze of 1978–79.


阿甘:我跑了3年,2個月,14天,小時和16小時。 [他停下來,轉過身來]

...也許我們跑步, 像Forrest Gum也許有著特別原因或,沒有任何理由,跑步可啟發活出健康人生。 Let's run for joy too!  Have a good weekend.
发表于 2012-11-24 07:44:48 | 显示全部楼层

Thank you a million, Tianlanlan, our running group leader!


Thank you so much for organizing the running group.  Because of it running has become something that i look forward to every week.  Much appreciated your inspring messages and encouagement.  A great job well done indeed.

Please take good care and get well soon.  I certainly look forward to your quick turn to the group, which is not going to the same without you.

To my runningmates, let us take over Tianlanlan's torch and keep on running for no reason as Angel indicated or every reason you may have. Happy running, it is good for your body and soul!

发表于 2012-11-24 08:23:01 | 显示全部楼层

Thank you a million, Tianlanlan, our running group leader!


Thank you so much for organizing the running group.  Because of it running has become something that i look forward to every week.  Much appreciated your inspring messages and encouagement.  A great job well done indeed.

Please take good care and get well soon.  I certainly look forward to your quick turn to the group, which is not going to the same without you.

To my runningmates, let us take over Tianlanlan's torch and keep on running for no reason as Angel indicated or every reason you may have. Happy running, it is good for your body and soul!

发表于 2012-11-24 09:30:53 | 显示全部楼层
What the great running mates I have!! I am so proud of being one in the team! Let's run as long as we can!

Today, 10:45am, run! Run! Run!!
发表于 2012-11-24 11:08:28 | 显示全部楼层

你就是我们这里的小 阿甘,继续慢跑,会有很多人加入的!
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